A lot of higher end credit cards also include protection against this kind of thing as well.
What’s the context of the original picture? That guy seems like he isn’t having a great time.
“Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”
“It depicts the grief-stricken Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible cradling his dying son, the Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, shortly after the elder Ivan had dealt a fatal blow to his son’s head in a fit of anger. The painting portrays the anguish and remorse on the face of the elder Ivan and the gentleness of the dying Tsarevich, forgiving his father with his tears.”
It’s one of my favorite paintings
Many thanks. That being said, “forgiving his father with his tears” big ole X on that one
It’s really hard to see in this image, but they’re definitely there in higher definition pictures
I think they were referring to the younger Ivan crying because he’s in pain, not because he’s forgiving his father.
It’s just a flesh wound
Bruh. Fucking RIP lmao.
Renters insurance is your friend. Might be a good idea to look into, it’s cheap af and covers things like this.
Oh no! OP, I’m so sorry for your loss!
That’s why you buy a thinkpad - mine dropped several times down. Just a bit clippedy dew and a restart and everything is fine, again.
The stairs after I dropped my Thinkpad down them
Just turn it off and on again.
put it in rice
At least you did post an excellent meme because of the painful, terrible event.
Imagine being so mentally handicapped you drop expensive shit down the stairs 💀
Yes I am sure you have never made any mistakes in your life before
Absolutely. Unlike you, your mother made a massive one giving birth to you. I can only begin to imagine her devastation when she sees the nasty goblin she produced