# linux4noobs ___ #### Noob Friendly, Expert Enabling Whether you’re a seasoned
pro or the noobiest of noobs, you’ve found the right place for Linux support and
information. With a dedication to supporting free and open source software, this
community aims to ensure Linux fits your needs and works for you. From
troubleshooting to tutorials, practical tips, news and more, all aspects of
Linux are warmly welcomed. Join a community of like-minded enthusiasts and
professionals driving Linux’s ongoing evolution. ___ ##### Seeking Support? -
Mention your Linux distro and relevant system details. - Describe what you’ve
tried so far. - Share your solution even if you found it yourself. - Do not
delete your post. This allows other people to see possible solutions if they
have a similar problem. - Properly format any scripts, code, logs, or error
messages. - Be mindful to omit any sensitive information such as usernames,
passwords, IP addresses, etc. ___ #### Community Rules - Keep discussions
respectful and amiable. This community is a space where individuals may freely
inquire, exchange thoughts, express viewpoints, and extend help without
encountering belittlement. We were all a noob at one point. Differing opinions
and ideas is a normal part of discourse, but it must remain civil. Offenders
will be warned and/or removed. - Posts must be Linux oriented - Spam or
affiliate links will not be tolerated.
linux4noobs is a community dedicated to offering assistance with Linux installation, configuration, and utilization. While its primary goal is to provide and receive support, this community also serves as a hub for sharing and discussing all things Linux among like-minded enthusiasts. By fostering a community where more individuals understand and use Linux, we contribute to its continuous improvement and advancement. The golden rule: - Maintain respectful and amiable discussions. This is a safe space where individuals may freely inquire, exchange thoughts, express viewpoints, and extend help without encountering belittlement. We have all been a noob at one point.