its over we are now at the same level of the us fuck taht shit fuck that gov . only good fock suck XXXX
So whats the fucking point of GDPR then.
This will get challenged.
Max Schrems is an assassin but this one might be a bit more difficult to challenge compared to the previous ones. Will be interesting to see his argumentation, though. NOYB is doing good work and will certainly work on this next
Huge fan of NOYB, if I were religious I would say they’re doing the Lord’s work.
that the United States ensures an adequate level of protection—comparable to that of the European Union
I guess this makes sense, with the new French spying measures, they’re now basically the same
Safe Harbour and PS1 were bad from the start. This one actually has the chance to grow into something. It’s a solid basis and they learned from some mistakes from the past. Will be interesting how / when the US actually implements the promises made in the framework. I hope this time they take it more seriously. From a European perspective the option to have a competent partner for dialogue and questioning in the US was a big issue in the past. Plus, if the companies certified under it don’t include the types of data that are of interest to you under this framework, you are still protected by the other mechanisms under GDPR (SCCs and BCR), so chill. Meta won’t qualify for this one anyway, but a good US company like Microsoft does and that fixes a lot of political questions here in the EU in regards of the use of M365.
NOYB have a good write up about how they came to the agreement by using this simple trick, the EU and US have different definitions of the word “proportionate” but the US’s definition is undisclosed…