Who has translated it into browsing Lemmy more?
Deploying high tech AI model so that we can use low tech meme networks
The day AI can create memes from scratch is the day the internet dies.
Surely the current ones can do that already.
I’m yet to see any clear gain; but I’ve seen clear loses.
Salary and working hours have little to do with productivity though. It’s all about the workers’ negotiation power. We have many technology breakthroughs in computers that have nothing to do with AI and see where we are now.
I’m not arguing that they haven’t little do to with productivity, I’m arguing that they shouldn’t have little to do with productivity
Whether or not they should doesn’t matter. So long as the only real metric for success is growth of profit, these things will not happen
There has never been a single time in the history of capitalism where improved productivity has reduced hours or increased pay for the working class.
Anyone who thinks chatbots are going to make life better for worker shlubs hasn’t been paying attention for the last 200 years
Has that ever historically been the case? It’s usually been that a technological development results in loss of jobs, as businesses simply reduce their wage expenditure, whilst expecting the same amount, or more work.
Like how computerisation has massively increased productivity, but wages and working hours haven’t changed to match.
Since when is Github copilot useful?
Getting some gains out of it, but I’m still limited by the fact that I can’t put anything proprietary into any AI tooling. Not motivated enough yet to roll my own.
For generic Q&A/searching, templating, etc, it’s been a decent stackoverflow replacement.