Good luck. My brother made a huge sea chanty playlist on Spotify of you need motivation.
Luckily previous owner left a cheap DVD/surround system hooked up in here with an aux cord haha.
Blast some tunes while you work and it’ll go by faster and more pleasantly! It’s gonna feel great to have that done in the end.
That’s not bad.
Did you find any unwelcome critters?
Haven’t found any but we definitely have some mice.
You got this.
Don’t be afraid to pull everything out so you can set things up right, like with shelves.
And commit to never leaving anything in the aisle.
Good luck
🫡 thank you!
There’s two bags of earth on the left hand side. What’s your plan with those?
If your talking about the diatomaceous earth I use that in the goat barn to help with any bugs in the winter time. Since they all spend more time inside in the winter.