They have always been techno-punks: anti-establishment and more style than substance. That being said, if nothing else, they were able to shine a light on shitty people and that’s more than most folks do.
I wish they were getting into organizations and dumping gigs of documents detailing illegal and anti-consumer/citizen activities, but money and law enforcement really goes after anything with an actually impact that might affect wealth. No one actually gives a shit about a website being down. (Excepting like… Amazon or Google and good fucking luck with that.)
So it’s like a flaming bag of shit left on a porch. They take care of it and shout “you damn punks!” But if you burn the barn down, every cop in the county will be interrogating everyone they can find until you are caught.
I don’t know about government overall, but the military and HHS have has some of the most stringent security stances I’ve encountered. To the point where just working for them was a massive chore. (How effective they were I guess I don’t know, but working for them sucked.)
That said, I’ll take what you said on faith, because I think you’re spot on with everything else.