Why does everything always smell like shit around me?
-person with head up thier own ass
Maybe we need to stop assuming we’re in a position to say what other people deserve
You people sound fucking more and more retarded every single day
How about you don’t fucking tell me what to do with my votes thanks
Incorrect nice try though
Nobody gives a single fuck though because it’s hex bear
How to spot a hexbear user
Which changes … what?
Whaaaat the fuck
You are literally too stupid to explain this to aren’t you
My eyes know it says drugs but my brain keeps seeing dogs
Another title gazer thinking authors have his best interest in mind
So depressing that you people didn’t bring new material over here, feel like I’m back at Reddit.
It’s horribly reductionist.
Quiet, the upper halfers are talking
I mean doesn’t this just mean at most, that the software used was developed by NSA? It’s not like we haven’t had our own shortage of government hacks in the last few years, it’s not an insane notion to think somebody could use our tools to make it look like us.
Something tells me this is just a nitrogen detector