Win+X > U > U
Shuts down your machine with no mouse required, use U > R if you wanna restart
I never knew I needed Boston Dynamics to build a skinwalker, but they knew
Web 3.1 Gen 1
Look if you can trade a little over a hundred isolinear processing chips for a goddamn space cannon it’s gotta be worth it
You’re using old GitHub projects, new projects are much better and well integrated
Yes, it’s very irritating lol. Basically, you know how sand is fairly abrasive by our standards? Well, sand has had millennia to get smoothed over by the natural cycles of our planet. As such, it’s fairly smooth all things considered.
Lunar regolith has not had that same opportunity. It is extremely sharp - sharp enough to cut kevlar. There’s a reason so much engineering goes into making EVA suits for lunar environments.
As much as I’d love to bike on the moon, our rovers don’t last more than a few hours at most when dealing with lunar regolith - it’s highly abrasive and gets everywhere
Would you rather it be completely unscripted filmed with bums off the street?
Edit: didn’t think the /s was needed folks
You might just have a shitty laptop if your RAM is falling out of it
While a co-working space would indeed help with having a separate work environment, I disagree that it would help with the social part of my problem with remote work. Not only do I feel far less like I am “part of a team” when I’m with a remote team, but often it leads to a lot of friction on collaboration in my own work. I’m quite headstrong and have trouble reaching out for help when I’m stuck with things, and part of addressing that is lowering the friction involved in getting help as much as possible. Idk, this is all anecdote and maybe isn’t as applicable if you’re not doing software development, but it’s what I’ve experienced.
I don’t know about shouldn’t. I think that there should always be the option to work remotely, but I much prefer to work in an office where I can have a separate mental space from home and be able to build meaningful relationships with my coworkers.
Svelte is the way to go
Christian here, I don’t understand why anyone would object to this lol
Might as well try my luck! Thanks mate 😁
Since when is albino an offensive term?
This is way better than it has any right to be
Agile is legitimately good and is the bar for how software should be built as a team. Enterprise scrum is objectively bad and I don’t understand how anyone gets any amount of work done under it.
Claymation is a blessing to society
Curious, how is SpaceX being wasteful? Aren’t they operating significantly more efficiently than NASA has in the last like half century? Even if you’re counting material waste, they’re hardly the worst offenders; have you seen the plastics industry? Let alone consumer packaging