The music is already awesome. But i liked the game as well. But i played it coop with my sister, so my experience is all about coop. But this game is not so much about fighting (battle system is eeehh, it’s there), more important is the romance experience of the mc’s and their interaction and their backgroud story and the one of their region.
For jrpg genre take a look at
If you interrested in Nintendo or Playstation discussion i would recommend:
If you like to hear video game music take a look at:
I was in that hotel with Rixia a few hours ago. I just want it to be her. Was my time in the park with her resonsible for that?
if someone plays jrpg’s maybe take a look at ! and maybe share something about the last game you played.
Who has that. I don’t have ideas that i like that benefit someone in any way
Maybe i was blind, haven’t seen it. Thx, I look into it because i’m curious, but it’s long, so need first some time for it
Without any information how this test result got achieved. It’s kind of useless. It’s like to read the headline of a paper. So sure you should question the accuracy of this image. But i would agree it’s fun to look at it
B sharp is H right (please don’t hate me) 😵💫
Programming or knowledge about that has such a high ceiling that the own knowlege always looks like nothing. I always tell myself i do alright to turn down my insecrurities.
wow this song is good
i didn’t know those, thanks for sharing