hello everynody, Right now i am selfhosting several services for my family in an effort to de-google all our services.
Right now i am facing difficulties to host a server that can be use to sync smartphone contacts from diffurent users (my family) and keeping them separated.
does anybody recommend any server able to serve this goal? and if the auth backend can be connected to an LDAP server even better.
regards and thanks
I do this with nextcloud (and lldap for the user management). Though that could probably be overkill for just contacts and calendars.
Oh man! I’m using FreeIPA and I’m way in over my head. lldap looks like a great replacement! Question: do you know if/how I can migrate my (little) directory without recreating every user and group (AND resetting their passwords)?
I don’t know if there is any specific utilities for that. You can always export your settings and reimplement them in lldap: this should be doable with a python script.
I never really understand why LDAP was so complicated. There must be needs in big setups that I am aware of but strangely I always found it not intuitive.
I already tried nextcloud but it doesn’t seems to support a proper a sync (2 ways sync), in addition the address book appears to be common to all nextcloud users.
So unless you can tell me I am doing something wrong it doesn’t look like an option
It supports a proper sync (my wife’s shared events do show up on my phone and I can modify them there) and the address book is specific to each user by default, but you can create shared address books as well. Again, that is synced two ways.
For LDAP, by default nextcloud only reads it. But you can enable LDAP writing as well.
I’m using mailcow which comes with sogo groupware which works nice with davx⁵ on android, calendar, mail (with fair email app), tasks (with tasks.org app) and contacs.
Thanks, I will check this solution too