I installed Ubuntu a few months ago on my work laptop and I’ve been running and loving it since.
However, I am used to VsCode, so this is what I am using in Ubuntu as well.
So I am curious, what kind of coding so you do? And what is your workflow.
I am an embedded firware developper and mainly use C. I am cross compiling my code in VsCode for a FPGA from Xilinx (dual core arm + PL)
Never dove into make files and cmake more than what I needed in the past, but I had an opportunity to learn CMake and build a project from it.
So my workflow is :
- Code in VsCode
- Build in CMake
- Transfer the app through scp on the target with a custom script (target is running petalinux, which is yocto + Xilinx recipes)
- Use gdb server to debug the code.
It’s a pretty simple workflow, but I’d like to know what you guys are running so that I can maybe upgrade my workflow.
- Code in VSCodium
- Code in Kate to keep thing fresh
- Code in Nvim because I still need to learn it
- Cry while debbuging a React app because the error messages aren’t very good
- Wish I were working with Svelte or had enough backend experience to switch to being a backend dev
- Play with terminal configs and shell scripting to distract myself from my woes
- Rinse and repeat.
Aside from the (not so much) jokes, give VSCodium a try, it’s to VSCode what Chromium is to Chrome, and works just as well.
I will look into VSCodium. I’ve heard a little about it, but I couldn’t tell you what is the difference between the two.
Microsoft develops vscode as open source, but compiles it with proprietary telemetry tooling.
VSCodium compiles from the same source code but without the telemetry
Then i will definitely switch. Are the VsCode addon compatible with VsCodium?
They are, but some might not be available from the extension store. Usually copying from vscode extensions folder works with no issues in my experience, but search the Codium store first just in case.
Alright, I’m going to install VsChromium next monday and switch over. I don’t use a lot of addons, but I’d like to have my most used addons
There is, or was, also code-oss. Can’t remember all the differences though
Tmux + nvim for editing code and bspwm for a fully keyboard only workflow. I have some keybinds in tmux to open a new pane and run cargo or whatever command is necessary to run the code.
How long have you been using nvim/vim in general?
I have to use vi/vim from time to time for basic editing (like on petalinux for example), but it is quite intimidating to get into. I’m already over my head right now, so adding a new learning curve might not be the best timing.
I had to use vi for work (only editor installed on the servers), and it snowballed and now I can barely type in anything that doesn’t have vim bindings.
The first few days were pretty rough, but I learned the absolute minimal basics, and then just organically learned features as I needed them/whenever I felt like what I was doing was tedious, and there had to be a better way. It’s been about 10 years, and I’m still learning!
One small suggestion, check YouTube for videos of people showing off vim features, e.g. https://youtu.be/5r6yzFEXajQ. You won’t remember everything from one watch, but it’ll help you see what is possible/how powerful vim is, which can guide your “this is so painful how do I make this better” searches down the line.
Someone suggested vim adventures to learn vim so I will look into that for sure. I really like the proposition of the Vim.l workflow, but I need to set time aside right now that I don’t have. But once my project is started properly, I will definitely dive into Vim
Transfer the app through scp […]
I use an ad-hoc while loop in a shell with
to wait for changes in the watched directory and thenscp
it.That’s clever. I’m not used to shell scripting yet, but I really like that it is easy to automate things in Linux. If you can run it in terminal, you can script it.
I’m also running Ubuntu as my main machine at home. (I have a Mac and do Android development for my day job).
But at home, I do a lot of website and backend dev.
- Code in VSCode
- Build using
docker buildx
- Test using a local container on my machine
- Upload the tested code to a feature brach on git (self hosted server)
- Download that same feature branch on a RaspberryPi for QA testing.
- Merge that same code to develop 6a. That kicks off a CI build that deploys a set of docker images to DockerHub.
- Merge that to main/master.
- That kicks off another CI build.
- SSH into my prod machine and run
docker compose up -d
I usually hack stuff together with vim and tmux (I know, it’s redundant but Ctrl b is just a reflex at this point) when on a remote machine, but I use vscode at work and recently discovered the remote mode for Linux development… It’s pretty awesome, like not anything you can’t set up with vim or emacs, but it’s seamless remote development if you already like to use vscode
I would like to do remote dev directly on the target, but it only has64Mb qspi Flash and 512Mb of RAM, so I can’t install any modern development tools without exploding my 64Mb.
I cross compile with arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc so I at least don’t need to use the awful Xilinx IDE.
Since we’re not sure yet if we will keep our current hardware for 1.0, but not tying my project to a vendor tools, I can easily switch my custom scripts for the new hardware.
Hmm are you compiling code? Sounds like the kind of platform that shouldn’t host its own build tools. For that kind of setup I would consider building a remote dev box that can push to / debug the target platform? Maybe even control power to reset the dev board.
I cross compile then push the program through a scp and start gdb-server with a script.
The remote dev box is a good idea because I can use any computer to access it and still be able to push code. I will look into it.
I work with backend web development, so running code could not be any easier, normally there’s a docker image setup watch for changes, recompile and execute.
My text editor is Kakoune, after learning the keybindings I just cannot go back to vim or vscode, selection based editing just makes so much sense to me.
I use NixOS, which comes in handy for keeping my home and office computers in-sync. I also use nix shells to declare the tools necessary to develop each project.
As for window management I use sway, one big window for kakoune to the left, other terminals for docker/tests/git to the right.
I tried to get into window management but it was a bit much at the time. I will retry soon.
I have one big 48 inch 4k screen, so a window manager will definitely be a big plus.
Hobbyist programmer. When I switched to Linux, I started using the Atom editor for typing out my JavaScript projects (mostly Electron apps). Now I use Pulsar, because Atom development was cancelled.
I also find nvm to be helpful for installing and using Node in the terminal.
- Setup my vimrc.
- Clone the project, and realize that whatever repo managing system they started using 3 years ago requires setup steps not in the README and breaks everything at the slightest touch.
- Build the currently relevant project in whatever build system they started using 3 years ago (CMake is quite nice).
- Fix my vimrc to be compliant with whatever tabbing they use.
- Realize that for some reason, someone made a commit in the file I’m reading that uses 3 space tabs. And worse, someone approved that PR.
- Make changes via vim.
- Debug via print because setting up gdb or JTAG on embedded systems is usually more effort than its worth.
- Realize it’s a timing issue and reluctantly go find the JTAG debugger.
It’s funny how the JTAG debugger should be the first thing that we use, but just like you, I don’t want to use it until really necessary.
But the moment I setup everything, then I wonder why I’ve waited so long to do the setup haha.
I mostly program in Rust and my main editor is VSCodium with the NeoVim extension but lately I’ve been experimenting with Alacritty + Tmux + Helix and I’m starting to like it quite a bit.
i3wm/sway - lets me navigate windows with vim-like keyboard motions Neovim - best power editor, hands down. But it takes a bit of tweaking. Tmux - lets me have multiple terminals up in one window. Make/CMake/whatever the project uses. I also write scripts for anything that causes friction which can be automated. Vimium/VimiumFF in the browser - lets me navigate most webpages with just the keyboard.
My workflow is: my neovim config is - at last - nearly perfect, quickly configurable for many languages on the go, nevertheless I don’t code because when I get home from work I have barely the energy to play for half an hour.
Yeah I get that, I have a job now where I can pretty do whatever I want, so I at least get the feeling of creating something while at work and doing fun code.
But I don’t feel like coding when I’m done with my day
Helix + sway + nix-shell + git + sourcehut is a pretty tasty combo not gonna lie.
I use helix on NixOS. I have the most basic setup for c(++):
- edit with helix
- write custom makefiles with a script I made
- test the program with the makefile
- debug with cout or printf
Code in VSCode
UI in QT Creator
Build with qmake
Commit with git
Push to GitLab
Run jobs with gitlab-runner
Deploy AppImage, deb, rpm builds with Docker
I’m running Docker in Windows and have a mounted drive. I code in VSC using that mounted folder / volume, and the page shows up on localhost. Just a few simple apps to convert fixed width to csv’s and back and gives analytics on the data using jStat and tables with dataTables. Nothing fancy, but I like it.
Edit: httpd 2.4 as the Docker container.