Wanting equality in the workplace alongside worker-owned production and supporting a hierarchical ultranationalistic society with totalitarian rule are the same coin?
They’re not the same. They’re not “the same coin”. Not even close. They’re not even each others opposites, they can’t be since they’re very different things.
I had typed a lengthy response but in the end I just advise you to read up before you use these words.
After doing that, you should also look at the Scandinavian states and decide for yourself if those are socialists, capitalist or something in between. And if you come to the conclusion that they’re leaning more to socialism(guided market) then anything else then look for signs of fascism in their government since you state “they’re the same coin” then there must be something.
Now look for those same signs in the recent history of the US. You should at least find: a wall, “America first” and a storming of the symbol of government and embodiment of democracy. Now look for signs of socialism in the US society.
Fascists, socialists are the same coin. The Nazi regime just had longer reaching effects. Tyranny still going strong too…
If you want a science fiction example, Cyberpunk - Star Wars.
Wanting equality in the workplace alongside worker-owned production and supporting a hierarchical ultranationalistic society with totalitarian rule are the same coin?
To be fair they gave fictional examples to back the claim up so it seems pretty solid.
They’re not the same. They’re not “the same coin”. Not even close. They’re not even each others opposites, they can’t be since they’re very different things.
I had typed a lengthy response but in the end I just advise you to read up before you use these words.
After doing that, you should also look at the Scandinavian states and decide for yourself if those are socialists, capitalist or something in between. And if you come to the conclusion that they’re leaning more to socialism(guided market) then anything else then look for signs of fascism in their government since you state “they’re the same coin” then there must be something.
Now look for those same signs in the recent history of the US. You should at least find: a wall, “America first” and a storming of the symbol of government and embodiment of democracy. Now look for signs of socialism in the US society.