My ex was so dead against us getting a dishwasher because he didn’t want to have to plumb it into a house we didn’t own and our landlord wasn’t interested in helping us out.
A month after he moved out, I bought one and it absolutely did change my life.
I also managed to flood my kitchen in the process 🙈
One of my happiest purchases in the last few years was an airfyer. lol
I’m still excited about my subwoofer.
Is your dog your main woofer?
I wish.
For real, thought everyone was overhyping them before I got one but it’s honestly crazy how much of a difference it makes and how convenient it is
I don’t have a microwave so I Air fry most leftovers. If I want popcorn I just make it on the stove. If I don’t feel like doing that I guess I didn’t really want it.
Fuck, I’d be excited to win almost anything.
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Yay America. In Australia all competition winnings (even the lottery) is tax free.
My apartment doesn’t even have a connection for a dishwasher but I’d take it
Bruh I haven’t eaten in days because I can’t afford meds and food at the same time.
I completely get it. I see Price is Right clips now, or Lets Make a Deal, and losing my mind when they get a dining set. That shits would net me groceries for months.
As far as I’m concerned I’m not a grown up until I have a washing machine and dishwasher of my own.
I do get excited now when going shopping for a moped or a set of bedsheets.
Or the age where you’re finally excited to get clothes for Christmas.
Not too proud to admit I got way too excited when I got my first Dyson. If anyone has animals with long hair, you’ll understand.
I’d still rather have the new car.
Lol my dishwasher has been broken for awhile.
I should really get on fixing it.
I haven’t used my dishwasher or dryer since I moved in to my trailer. Hand washing dishes and hanging clothes to dry doesn’t take long enough for me to give a shit lol
How do you wash the clothes?
Oh those I machine wash. Fuck using a washboard lol