Whether it’s music, books, games, tv or movies, if you tune out most of the marketing, how do you go about finding new or old stuff? Word of mouth, new marketing (i.e. influencers/YouTubers), or do you ride the related artists/recommendations on stuff like Spotify/Last.fm/YouTube/Netflix/etc.? Or perhaps something else entirely?
I’m sure it’s a mix for everyone, however I’d love to read of some of the ways that one might not think of to find different new or old media!
An imperfect system, but you can input any media you like and it will give suggestions of similar media.
Imperfect? I put in Patrick Lee - The Breach. One of my favourite books, a proper fast-paced sci-fi thriller, and all it suggested was period drama romance novels by Georgette Hayer and Mary Stewart from the 1960s lol
I haven’t tried it for books, but movies seemed to give a decent response.
It’s community sourced, so literally “members of this site who liked this sci-fi book also liked these romance novels”.
Imperfect 😁
We have a few good used book/record stores where I live and I’ll just browse them every now then and find something.
I’m a very simple person though and if the cover/sleeve/jacket/case has art that grabs me I’m prone to at least inspecting it. Sometimes my ADD will kick in and I’ll randomly remember a book or band or movie that I’ve wanted to check out and go look for it.
In short: shiny ADD browsing.
I have an entire folder of bookmarks dedicated to sketchy yarr harr matey streaming sites.
All sorts of ways: Word of mouth, Pandora, YouTube, randomly hearing it somewhere, looking up artists other projects, mixes, radio, etc
Word of mouth and algorithms are probably top two for me though with hearing it somewhere and looking up artists being next.