Stock nginx built into Synology DSM won’t cut it, so I decided to install Nginx Proxy Manager. Before doing so, I created a macvlan and assigned the NPM container to use the assigned IP. Once install is finished, and I try to launch NPM, it fails to load. I tried the same install without macvlan, and it works and loads just fine. I have installed many other containers on macvlan, so I know what I am doing and have the knowledge and experience, but I have never run into this before where there seems to be a conflict I am not aware of.
Help? Anyone?
You shouldn’t have conflicts with the DSM ngnix after setting up a macvlan on a Synology.
Saying that, there are a few more steps you have to do to get it working. I’ve done it successfully on my Synology. Here is a guide I wrote for traefik in my notes. Also see the references for additional explanations.
I apologize for the formatting. I am on my phone.
Long story short, Traefik uses ports 80 and 440. On the Synology NAS (from DSM 7 and upwards), those ports are occupied by the OS. There are two options to solve this issue:
Reroute all traffic on 80 and 443 on the router to a new port
Pros: no need for a VLAN (see 2.). Cons: need to expose all services on the Synology via Traefik Create a MAC VLAN + bridge, attach the docker container to it and assign an IP
Pros: Cleaner approach as the docker container gets assigned a new IP Cons: More complicated
This guide will discuss option 2.
IP Reservation
Before we begin, some ip configuration is necessary. First you must configure any DHCP service on your network such that it will not assign addresses in a given range. This guide assumes you already have your raspberry pi set up as your DHCP service (and turned DHCP off in your router). Go to your pi-hole admin page and go to settings→DHCP.
Figure: DHCP Settings on the Pi-Hole
Here an IP range of has been reserved by the pi-hole to be assigned. This leaves addresses and to us to use. I shall use the tail end of the range
The following is specifically for those that have a Synology NAS with a single ethernet port. This port should be designated eth0. To be sure, check using the following command:
ip link show
Figure 2: List of IP links available
Note: If you have multiple ethernet ports and have already set up a bond, follow this guide: https://blog.alexis.lc/docker-macvlan-network-synology
We will link our macvlan to this physical port so that information and be routed from outside the NAS to the docker container.
Docker and MACVLANs
Warning! This is the danger zone. If you mess up and/or want to get your network settings back to normal follow these steps. TL;DR: find and press the reset button on the back of your NAS for 4 seconds until you hear a beep, then release.
Now that we have our address range reserved and we know which device we can link our macvlan to, it is time to create our docker network and a macvlan network!
Step 1: Create the necessary docker network:
docker network create -d macvlan \ -o parent=eth0 \ --subnet= \ --gateway= \ --ip-range \ --aux-address="host=" \ dockervlan
–aux-address reserves the address from our subnet (this is the new ip my NAS host will be accessed from on the macvlan network)
–ip-range is the range of IPs that can be assigned by docker
–gateway the gateway docker will use to communicate with the world (this is my router address)
–subnet the macvlan’s subnet we will be creating
-o parent specifies the interface through which we want to comminicate
The next step is to create a MACVLAN that will act as a new host and network and provide new IP addresses to the containers we attach to it.
First create a MACVLAN and add a fictitious MAC address to it. This is so that if you need to start over, you don’t have multiple virtual nodes popping up in your router
sudo ip link add link eth0 name macvlan0 address 02:42:C0:A8:02:C9 type macvlan mode bridge
Then assign the reserved host address (aux-address from above) to the MACVLAN
sudo ip addr add dev macvlan0
Spin up the MACVLAN
sudo ip link set macvlan0 up
Allow routing to the subnet
sudo ip route add dev macvlan0
Now you should see a new host on your network with ip and MAC address 02:42:C0:A8:02:C9
Make sure the synology can get packets to the macvlan subnet
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT &&
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPTTraefik with a new IP
To assign Traefik it’s own IP so that the NAS does not interfere with traefik (by taking up ports 80 and 443) add the following to your docker compose:
service: . . networks: default: #eth0 linked network traefik-net: #traefik’s network proxy: #proxy network mac_address: “02:42:C0:A8:02:C9” . . . #define networks networks: traefik-net: external: true proxy: external: true default: external: name: “dockervlan”
Note the 3 networks:
default/dockervlan this docker network is the subnet that exists in the router and is linked to eth0. This manages all external communication
proxy socket-proxy docker network (never to be exposed)
traefik-net the network any container will use in order to communicate with traefik
I appreciate the heck out of you for trying, but my god this confuses the crap out of me even more lol. I’ve read it over several times, and I am just not connecting the dots ☹️
What’s the main kicker here? Reading this over, it sounds like you’re saying to create two macvlans, but I only see an execution of one? I am confused brother
Sorry. I wrote it for my notes and wasn’t necessarily polished for external use.
The basic gist of it is:
Reserve your IP range
Create the docker network (compatible with MACVLANs)
Create the macvlan on your Synology
Set up your container with the new network
Here, let me show you what I did and you tell me where I went wrong.
SSH into Synology NAS and Create macvlan network with modified command below to my system:sudo docker network create -d macvlan \-o parent=eth0 \–subnet= \–gateway= \npm_network
Install Nginx Proxy Manager docker container
Assign NPM to use the new macvlan network and assign it an IP on the subnet that’s not already in use with the following command:docker network connect --ip npm_network nginx_proxy_manager
Go into portainer and under container settings for NPM, ensure the container is connected to both the new macvlan with the info we used and also connected to the default bridge network.
This is where I hit a wall. I still cannot connect to my web interface at this point when I feel like I should be able to with the macvlan ip
What am I doing wrong?
So basically all you did was create a docker network with no macvlan on your synology. The docker network you created will simply look for a macvlan and communicate with it. There needs to be an actual macvlan there to communicate with. You really should read through my responses again.
Here are some pointers:
Your step 2 needs an auxiliary address for your host. –aux-address=“host=”
Look at my step 3. You have to run those commands to setup the macvlan on your synology. You have to use your auxiliary host address in the series of commands I showed you. When you run them properly you will see the host show up in your router.
Okay, so here’s where I’m confused. From my understanding you say all I did is create a docker network and I need to create a macvlan but the ‘npm_network’ that I created literally says macvlan beside it in the network tab of either container manager or portainer. Even the command literally says ‘create macvlan’ so I am confused why you say that’s not a macvlan and only a docker network.
Am I making sense? Also, two other outdated guides ive seen on this describe it the same way. The way you describe it is a first that I’ve seen. Not saying you’re wrong, but there’s certainly a difference I’m noticing.Those other guides assume you already have a macvlan and want to use docker on it. Like I said, not many complete guides out there. Mine is the most comprehensive you’ll find.
The gist of it is, you create a macvlan network on your NAS then you place a docker network on that macvlan network.
3.Create the macvlan on your Synology
sudo ip link add link eth0 name macvlan0 address XX:ZZ:AA:BB:00:YY type macvlan mode bridge
I follow your instructions carefully. When I get here I get the terminal response :“XX” is invalid lladdr.
You have to create your own Mac address.
Google “valid MAC addresses” and place your own there. Anyone will do.
You’re creating a virtual LAN on your network and as such you need a MAC address. You can skip it but as I said in my guide, one will be automatically created for you each time and you’ll have multiple virtual devices sitting on your network.
I think I am about 99% of the way there. Seems like I got it mostly figured out, but I do have a couple questions for you. And thanks again for your time, you have no idea how much I appreciate you and your assistance in this.
#1. After creating the docker network, you suggest creating the macvlan and the command for creating the macvlan involes ‘macvlan0’. I cannot use macvlan0 and instead am forced to use macvlan1 because macvlan0 is taken by the docker network we created just before creating the macvlan. Seems to be a conflict. I checked and there’s nothing else conflicting other than the already created macvlan0 from the step before.
#2. After completing the steps, I can access my NAS as usual, the Nginx proxy manager is accessible via it’s macvlan IP, but I can also connect to the NAS and the Nginx from the auxillary host IP. What’s the deal with that?
#3. Once all is said and done. Should my Nginx be connected to both the bridge network and the new macvlan or just the macvlan? It’s always connected to the bridge by default, but when I add the container to the new macvlan, am I supposed to disconnect it from the bridge?
I think I am about 99% of the way there. Seems like I got it mostly figured out, but I do have a couple questions for you. And thanks again for your time, you have no idea how much I appreciate you and your assistance in this.
- After completing the steps, I can access my NAS as usual, the Nginx proxy manager is accessible via it’s macvlan IP, but I can also connect to the NAS and all it’s services including the Nginx container from the auxillary host IP. What’s the deal with that?
Yes, the auxiliary host IP is basically a new virtual IP that sits on your LAN. So basically when you connect your synology to your home network, it gets assigned an IP (with its own MAC address included). With the MACVLAN network, you’ve basically created a new virtual network on your NAS with its on device (MAC) address. It is in essence a virtual copy of your NAS host that your router sees it as a new device on your network.
- Once all is said and done. Should my Nginx be connected to both the default bridge network and the new macvlan or just the macvlan? It’s always connected to the default bridge when installing any new container, but when I add the container to the new macvlan, am I supposed to disconnect it from the default bridge at the same time?
This is up to you how you want your network architecture to look like, but when you spin up a new container that you want available accessible by your ngnix, you have to:
Specify your docker’s macvlan network as your container’s network (and remove it from the default bridge) OR
Connect your ngnix container to your application’s docker network (basically isolate all containers in their own network)
Up to you. Personally I do #2.
- Your fourth command for adding routing. How do I know what to use? My IP range for example is with an auxiliary IP of How do I decide the routing CIDR notation? I tried to look at yours and wasn’t sure how you decided on yours. I just went with which is the same as my IP range, but I’m not exactly sure what that is doing or not doing and if I should’ve chosen a different Ip for that. My CIDR notation for IP range is just 4 IPs, as you can probably tell by now. I notice this one is very important and if not configured properly can make or break the connection. At first, I selected, but that didn’t work. When I chose by IP range for routing, it worked. I blindly did this, so I have no idea why one is working over the other and how to decide this part.
I presume you’re talking about this one ?
sudo ip addr add dev macvlan0
I guess I didn’t explain properly but that is your auxiliary host’s IP. If you look at command 2 you’ll see--aux-address="host="
. Basically the CIDR notation/32
is the same as the subnet mask255.255.255.255
, only one IP address can be served in macvlan0.- Your final command, which you say is optional for communication between the macvlan and the NAS. I’m not sure if I need to be using this? My entire reason for doing all this is to use NPM for accessing my FQDN on my LAN with SSL certs only on my LAN and nothing exposed to outside internet. I just want all the DNS rewrites from Adguard Home to point to the Nginx macvlan IP so that Nginx can proxy it to the correct NAS service and also SSL it at the same time. Adguard home cannot use port numbers in the DNS rewrites and only can use IP, which is why I am doing all this in the first place. I had to give Nginx its own IP, or Adguard home DNS rewrites couldn’t communicate with it.
Yea its optional. For my purposes it was nice to have because I have gitea and wanted to use GIT on the Synology locally. You don’t have to.
Overall, I am able to execute all you’ve described with just these concerns I’ve listed above. Again, thanks a ton, brother. I learned a lot in this experience.
Yea it’s not straightforward and I spent a ton of time researching it. Glad to help.
I presume you’re talking about this one ?
sudo ip addr add dev macvlan0
I guess I didn’t explain properly but that is your auxiliary host’s IP. If you look at command 2 you’ll see
. Basically the CIDR notation
is the same as the subnet mask
, only one IP address can be served in macvlan0.
I was actually referring to ‘sudo ip route add dev macvlan0’ for #3
This one has me stumped. I hope you’re not one of those who deletes his Reddit posts because I may need to come back to this post one day 😁
Not really related to your post, but you’ve marked your own account as a bot, I recommend you to remove that flag in settings.
- conflicting ports? Do you already use the mapped ports?
- Macvlan prevents communication from the docker host to the macvlan IP and vice versa. Depending on how and from where you access the macvlan IP, it might not work natively.
- Is NPM starting correctly? No errors in the container logs?
I’m not sure, but there certainly must be a conflict with the built-in DSM Nginx.
There are zero error logs.
Usually, when using macvlan, the ports should not conflict as the container obtains a new, separate IP address. What happens if you use bridge networt and manually map the port 80 and 443 port to a random one on your synology like 8888 and 9999?
What happens if you use bridge networt and manually map the port 80 and 443 port to a random one on your synology like 8888 and 9999? Can you then access these ports?
Not exactly sure how to do that. Yes, you’re right, I created a whole new container and for some reason it doesn’t load. Without macvlan IP it loads fine, with the macvlan it just refuses to load.
Looks like you’ve marked your own account as a bot, I recommend you to remove that flag in settings.