Good friends of mine would like a reprieve so they can have their anniversary dinner. I’ve been a camp counsellor and was pretty good at it but those kids were all 6 years old, this one is 13 months old. Adorable kid but I figure maybe some folks here might have good ideas/thoughts/suggestions/crass jokes?
Hello. Proud parent of a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old here.
At 13 months, that kid is probably getting the hang of walking. They very well might not stop exploring for the entire time, other than a 1-2 hour nap or bedtime depending on what time you’re babysitting.
Ask the parents about nap/bedtime schedule, feeding schedule (they are likely still on a mix of bottle/milk plus food, though, maybe not), and if screen time is allowed. I’d imagine they’ll give you all that info without you having to ask, but you never know.
The key is to be aware. At 13 months, they might try to get into every drawer, cabinet, dog bowl, garbage bin, etc. they can find. They will also head straight toward any stairs you might have. Don’t let that kid out of your sight. Other than constantly trying to seek out danger, it shouldn’t be all bad.
I forgot about the headlong charges at stairs.