I’m surprised it’s not LOSS
House moon oh no house garage
Is this loss?
Apparently the house turns to a warehouse in a full moon. Took me forever to figure out because I kept trying to figure out how it relates to Loss.
I still don’t get it.
It’s a full moon. It is now a
It really needs a Dr Dr to solve this mystery. Thanks!
I’m a reader doctor.
My apologies
I’m embarrassed to say that I thought this was Loss.
This would’ve been an amazing Warehouse13 episode (anyone remember that show?)
I love that show!
There, house. There, castle.
Why are you talking like that?
I don’t know, I thought you wanted to.
Well my house is an Animahouse and can do that whenever it wants.
Donald Sutherland’s finest work.
Boys becoming men. Men becoming wolves.
House, moon, house, garage?
Warehouse apparently.
Weregarage or Wergarage.
The apparent scale is terrible because of the boxes and roll up door, but there is a human sized door and stairwell on the right for a warehouse that would make it far larger than the house.