Yup. RIF stopped working. Reddit’s official app was a turd sandwich.
I want to say I left Reddit in solidarity with the users and mods at the time, but in reality the Reddit app was just so very, very inconvenient that I tried Lemmy.
Yup. RIF stopped working. Reddit’s official app was a turd sandwich.
I want to say I left Reddit in solidarity with the users and mods at the time, but in reality the Reddit app was just so very, very inconvenient that I tried Lemmy.
When you’re outside all the gases coming out of your car’s tailpipe go up into the sky where they turn into stars.
Edit: was looking at the serious answers. I apologize for my sarcasm.
Is it good? Like does it actually taste like steak? Economical to produce? Is it better for the economy and the environment, Hell yes, then.
Imagine a perfectly marbled, perfectly rectangular, gristle free Wagyu quality steak that you could sear in some butter in a cast iron and serve right up.
No animal had to be raised and slaughtered. Less drain on resources. Less land usage.
I’m not convinced that the technology will ever get there, but what do I know. I’m just some dude on the internet.
The Philips Respironics nasal pillow works fantastic for me! Everyone is a little different though.
Three things:
Yup! CPAP. Fix your sleep and you’ll feel awake during the day.
I don’t feel sleepy in the afternoon anymore. I sleep and night and stay awake during the day.
Yes. I have a buddy who is this person. I’m not kidding.
He is a big Star Trek fan, but he is also literally the only T.J. Hooker fan that I’ve ever met, and he was a T.J. Hooker fan before he was a Star Trek fan. (It’s worth noting we’re both in our late 40s.)
Coming across this randomly on a Wednesday evening renews my faith in The Internet. I was starting to think the whole thing was a bad idea. Thank you!
10 year old me would be extremely disappointed in my Christmas lights.
I should have Clark W. Griswold level lights, but with colors and blinking lights.
Instead I put up all plain white lights along the windows and doors and a wreath like a reasonable person.
It’s so much work as an adult with adult responsibilities to find time to hang lights, and even worse when you have to take them down.
I am ashamed.
Absolutely love winter. It’s my favorite time of the year. I like being inside when it’s cold and dark out. I like not sweating. Feels good man.
Absolutely detest switching back and forth between standard and DST. What a load of crap. Just pick one and be done with it.
I used to hate olives, along with a lot of other things. Peppers. Beans. Blue cheese. And I used to tell everyone about how much I disliked stuff.
But then I grew up. You don’t have to eat olives if you don’t want. But if you restrict your life to your little pre-approved list of acceptable foods, you’re missing out.
Life is short. Way too short. You don’t want to discover how delicious a dirty martini with blue cheese olives is when you’re old.
My kid’s school just implemented an app-based pickup process this year.
You have to download an app and register your phone and email and child, then when you get in the line to pickup your child you have to press a button in the app.
I literally cannot retrieve my child from school without a smartphone.
Well my house is an Animahouse and can do that whenever it wants.
Isn’t it still kind of the same thing though?
Star Trek calls that “matter stream” energy your “pattern”. Pattern sounds a lot like Information. Data. Which is very easy to transmit and duplicate. Data can also be lost or corrupted.
So it’s as if they convert all your atoms to a file, then FTP your file to somewhere else where the technology turns your pattern back into matter.
“You” can’t exist as just data, so at that point you’re already dead. I think…
There are episodes where your pattern is stuck in the pattern buffer. You’re only information being stored at that point.
Well, if the technology actually existed, it would solve that whole “soul” question.
We would know pretty quickly if we transported humans and they came out the other side as soulless aberrations because their original just got killed.
So yeah, I would 100% use it after it first proved once and for all that the sum of our consciousness really is all the synapses and signals and grey matter in our heads. Because if so then what does it matter if your original matter has been erased and then recreated. Your clone is just as much you as you are you at that point.
Oh, so that’s what The Great Filter looks like! Neat!
Yeah…getting older is why this bullshit happens.
I used to have deep, deep sleep and could sleep until 10am if my schedule permitted.
After I hit my 40s I always wake up at 5-6am. Always. Still tired, just can’t fall back to sleep. Hate it.
I think those “up early” Dads and Grandpas are full of crap. They want to sleep in too, but their stupid old bodies won’t let them, so they act like the’re so awesome for being up early. At, least, that’s what I do…
You mean your luxury bones?
More Trevor Noah please.