Otherwise I have to write one myself. In which case anybody have a good guide on writing Linux kernel drivers in rust? Maybe specifically catered towards controllers
Otherwise I guess I can get chat gpt to do it
The thing has three ‘modes’ Pc,ps4, and ps5. But just connecting it to Pc doesn’t work
Hey guys,
Seems I had a bad USB port. Looks like ChatGPT won’t be coding us a driver anytime soon
I do concede my lack of sleep has led to bad judgement
What does appear in “dmesg” when connecting this device?
If you want to write drivers you’ll need some really good documentation on how to interact with the device.
Then when you have that ask ChatGPT how to write a driver, it’ll most likely not do the best job on writing it in Rush so for a sample code asking for C code will give better result.
I would bet that you just need to add the USB device id to the right driver and it will work. It’s PlayStation compatible and Windows compatible, so it should work as either a dual shock USB device or a generic hid controller of some sort.