Bram Moolenaar, creator of vim, has died.
If you are a vim user, consider donating to International Child Care Fund Holland - a charity Bram heavily supported. You can find the link on
I am truly and deeply saddened to hear this. My condolences to his family.
is one of the first things I install on any distro that doesn’t have it included by default. I have been using it for decades and am so used to seeing Bram’s name come up on the screen whenever I start the editor. His work greatly enriched my programming experience over the years and I am sure for countless other people as well. I don’t know what to say except a heartfelt “Thank you, Bram”.Looks like we failed bram :(
It could be that we have transitioned into the unforeseeable future.
Especially No. 8
8: How can the community ensure that the Vim project succeeds for the foreseeable future? Keep me alive.
:wq ✊
What an absolute legend. Hard to imagine many others with as significant of an impact on programmers all over the world. He will be greatly missed. RIP.
Rest in peace.
vim got me started programming recently, love it. Rest well,
RIP. Even this Emacs user uses evil mode these days 🫡
:wq brother.
I loved programming exactly when i learned to love vim.
RIP :(
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We all swear to honour you by removing pico / nano from all systems everywhere.
In this case :wq does not sound right.
I would go with :q! (or :qa!)
Because death always fucks up all your plans.