“Save the children is basically a generic statement obviously,” lead convoy organizer Gordon Berry told PressProgress. “There’s a multitude of things you could be saving them from.”
Berry says the convoy wants to save children from the “human trafficking industry,” but also from “mandating the shots to kids and kids getting sick and frigging education and all the stuff they’re teaching them in schools and the trans agenda and the math agenda, gender dysphoria – all of these things.”
Oh, so it’s mostly about being an anti-LGTBQ and education hate parade, with some flat earth and anti vax thrown in.
“Trudeau’s paying LGBTQ a million dollars”
Does he think LGTBQ is like a company or secret society or something?!
“You got to save them from the whole system.”
I can understand where he’s coming from here, the system clearly failed him.
Sure, I understand that the system failed him, or at least failed someone close to him. But what he’s doing is just generally raging against the leaders and using random excuses to justify causing chaos.
There’s no focus, no message. No way for anybody to respond in any way other than flat out rejection. How can you respond to something like this if when you try, it’s like “okay, I understand this this this, and this. But this one and these three others are unacceptable to us. But then there’s another sixteen that we can talk about. Please give us your side of the story and we can continue from there.” How do you form a conversation with that?
Not to mention that he’s trying to gather people from the widest spectrum he can, each with a different grievance. How do you talk when you have a dozen “I won’t budge on this one thing” when each one thing is something different? Just like the previous convoy, it’s just plain civil disobedience for the sake of letting out steam, no actual attempt at making change.
Yeah I agree with you.
There’s no actual real concern, it’s just a bunch of glued together conspiracies and dog whistles.
The whole thing is gross.
The math agenda? What are the conservatives worrying about this week?
I had a very strange conversation a couple of years ago. It seems that some people think that math is used only as a tool to control the population or something.
We were talking about something that most people would consider pretty innocuous, catch and release fishing. I mentioned that I had recently read an article that claimed that mortality among released fish was still high enough that approximately every second released fish should be counted against your limit because of the percentage of released fish that die of catch-related causes.
That lit the other guy’s hair on fire. “That’s math! You can’t seriously think that math is real? It’s all made up!” (Or words to that effect. Mouth frothing removed to protect the innocent.)
Over the course of the rest of the conversation, I “learned” that math was invented as a tool of oppression. Science uses math to create fake knowledge. Our senses are the only true sources of knowledge.
They are anti-everything they don’t understand. Unfortunately that’s most things.
How to control a population 101:
Make them only trust their emotions.
If they actually followed through with that you’d kind of have to admire it. What else would they have to do away with? All abstract concepts obviously, along with everything they’d been told, read, or imagined. How about theory of mind? Object permanence? Would they be newly surprised by the sunrise every day?
It devolves pretty quickly into an infantile solipsism. The world exists only for me, and only when I’m looking.
These are people that literally never grew up.
It’s the 8 year old mentality of ‘math is hard and confusing, I would rather spend the day living in my imaginary world’
What we are seeing now is the temper tantrum that happens when someone challenges them to leave their comfort zone.
A temper tantrum that goes on for years. At least with children it’s usually over in minutes.
Math has a known liberal bias.
I expect they’d be upset about arabic numerals if they knew that’s what they’re called.
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Yeah that stood out to me too, I’ve heard of these other dumb things.
So a bunch of closet pedophiles are organizing another convoy to “save the children” from “groomers” and “pedophiles” which they are projecting on drag queens?
That’s rich.
Yeah I’d put all these weirdos on a list.
These people are too stupid to exist holy shit
And yet my aunt does, in fact, exist. Blows my mind every time I see her. Her beliefs are so stupid I’m fairly certain she lowers the collective intelligence of any room she’s in.
Give her a jar of cookies and tell her that one of them ate a child but you don’t know wich one, so she has to look at it forever to make shure it won’t happen again XD
The convoy’s private Facebook group, which coun nearly 300 members, indicates that it is focused on issues like pedophilia, child trafficking, grooming and indoctrination.
Funny, they NEVER protest against churches. Why is that?
No, they mentioned “grooming and indoctrination”.
Oh wait…
“Some of those who work forces, are the same the burn crosses”
These people are literally a herd of cats in a room with a laser pointer pointed at a disco globe.
My mother is a conspiracy theory sucker. Being isolated during the pandemic with her idiot boyfriend literally spun her around from being a compassionate intelligent woman who ran her own successful business for over a decade to literally being afraid of everything and everyone.
Do they not have jobs?
Would you want to employ someone that thinks trans = pedophilia?
Cause i think not and that should awnser your question.
Good point.
So cute of them to pretend that they give a fuck about kids or anyone outside their ridiculous worldview.
If it wasn’t actually problematic it would be fascinating. It’s like watching a documentary about a cult.
“Save the Children” has been considered the cry of people that can’t put forth a reasonable argument for the thing they want for decades. Right up there with the people that like exclaiming “muh rights” and then either complain about something that’s never been a right, or immediately following up by trying to remove other people’s rights. I feel like using “save the children”(or similar variations) is a pretty good indication that I’m not going to agree with most of what follows.
The fact that “they’re trying to take away my right to take away the rights of others” never stands out as a logic issue to these people says enough
Helen Lovejoy has been yelling “won’t somebody think of the children” since 1989.
Someone explain the math thing, because I have no clue what it could be.
It doesn’t add up?
I’ve looked up “bat-shit math conspiracies for those that sniff glue” online; here is what I found:
Thanks for sharing that barely coherent rant. I’m now both 3 minutes older and I probably lost some brain cells trying to process his nonsense. Who reads this and thinks “Yeah, this guy’s got a handle on reality and some good ideas.”? It’s rage bait for people who are already angry at society.
Maybe the ‘math agenda’ is forcing kids to keep doing math after grade 6 or something like that :P
I mean, in school I had an agenda book and some days were almost entirely math, so… I guess?
“Get up off your god damned couch and show some passion for this country and some passion for the children that don’t have a voice, they get kidnapped, thrown in a railcar,” McDavid told viewers of one recent TikTok video, adding that children are being “tortured, hunted down like animals by – not the elites – by the degenerates on horseback.”
Oh man, I thought we outlawed organized small children hunts. Those bourgeoise snobs in their red coats and riding britches.
Also, where would one get a railcar of children. Is that what the “Dark Web” is for?
Who the fuck is “kidnapping kids and putting them in railcars”… Rail in Canada is total shit lmfao, these people need so much mental health help.
They get thrown in railcars but the worst thing about the kidnapping is the Dementors. They fly all over the place and they were scary and then they’d come down and they’d suck the soul out of your body and it hurt!
As a unit of measurement for harvested children, a railcar is called a railcar for historical reasons. The other unit of measurement, of course, is grade. For grade “A” children – that is, your children of indebted or disgraced public figures – you’re talking about 100 kids/railcar on most dark web markets.
You can get more if you settle for lower grades, say if you’re using them for research or food as opposed to labour or ritual.
These people obsess about child rape 24/7. What does that say about them?
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Then why aren’t they closing down churches? You’re a poor liar.
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Troll account
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Yeah, in a way that makes me not want to leave any around them.
The world would be a better place without right wingers
I wouldn’t be surprised if they also started going off about the “round earth agenda” or something like that. These dudes are absolutely braindead.
Earth is obviously donut shaped duh
Ah, yes. The math agenda. The deadliest of all the agendas. He who masters it, masters the universe.
3rd grade is too young to learn about poly(nomials)!!