Right, because Gs are never pronounced with a “J” sound, and acronyms are never pronounced differently than their full terms. Sound logic there; well done. Never mind any of these:
NASA- National Aeronautics Space Uhdministration
NATO- North Ayy-tlantic Treaty Organization
LASER- Light Ayy-mplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Jraphic interface format really sounds right /s
Right, because Gs are never pronounced with a “J” sound, and acronyms are never pronounced differently than their full terms. Sound logic there; well done. Never mind any of these:
NASA- National Aeronautics Space Uhdministration
NATO- North Ayy-tlantic Treaty Organization
LASER- Light Ayy-mplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
SCUBA- Self Contained Oonderwater Breathing Uhpparatus
FOMO- Fear ohhf missing ohht
ASAP- Ayys soon ayys possible
POC- People ohhf solor
PIN- Personal id-entification number
BOGO- Buy ohhn get ohhn
POTUS- President ohhf the Uhhnited States
YOLO- You only live ohhnce
AWOL- Ayy-bsent without awfficial leave
ICE- Eyemmigration and Sustoms Enforcement
DARE- Drug Ayybuse Resistance Education
NASA - National Ah-ronautics and Space Uh-dministration
LASER - Light Ay-mplification by Ztimulated Eh-mission of Radiation
ICE - Eye-mmigration and Sustoms -nforcement (E is silent)
DARE - Drug Ay-buse Resistance -ducation (ditto)
National Aeronautics and Space Uhdministration /s
I think it’s because words that end with sa, have that uh sound. Like Medusa, salsa, mesa, mimosa
Right, in other words, acronym pronunciation has nothing to do with how the letters that compose it are pronounced in their respective words.
Light aimplification by ztimulated emission of radiation just has a nice ring to it /s
I believe that’s “uhmission”