I was on Tauri’s Evermoon server for a while (highly recommended for anyone who wants a close-to-retail PVE MoP experience) and have been dabbling in Turtle WoW lately. Eagerly awaiting Tauri’s Legion server in as many years as it takes for them to get it it ready!
I second Tauri Evermoon server, and highly doubt their Legion server will ever come out. Would love to be proved wrong though, except for the fact that it destroys disc priests.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t - they’ve been plugging away at it all these years. I’m sure it’s years away yet, but considering Blizzard doesn’t seem interested in making another good expansion, there might not be a desire for any more after it.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t - they’ve been plugging away at it all these years.
Well that’s just it, it’s been years, and they still haven’t released anything.
Also, Legion had a lot of phasing going on, that was different than the previous expansions and how they did phasing. Legions’ is much more complicated, as it tells the story via quest lines.
But like I said, I hope I’m wrong on this one.
I keep jumping between Ascension and Whitemane servers.
I love Turtle WoW, but honestly I’m done and over the leveling experience of vanilla. My dream version of WoW would be a mix of Wrath and MoP.
Turtle WoW and a fresh PvP server comes out this week, which I am very excited for. Will be rolling a Gnome lock
Late to the party, but I’m mostly playing on Warmane’s servers. Currently switching between Icecrown for the population and quicker levelling, and Icecrown which is much harder and slower with 1x rates.
I started on WoW Hardcore for the permadeath, and Kronos for the full Vanilla experience, but they’re much less populated so they don’t “feel” as much like MMOs, but rather RPGs where you can talk to and join others if you organise to meet up… which is fine of course, and I enjoy them, but I’m preferring the MMO experience right now.
I was on Turtle Wow for a while, very nice