The music and lyrics are in the public domain in the European Union and the United States. The copyright expired in the European Union on January 1, 2017. A U.S. federal court ruled in 2016 that Warner and Chappell’s copyright claim was invalid and there was no other claim to copyright.
Wtf are you talking about? There’s only one birthday song.
I know two. One in my native tongue, and one in english.
I know 4. Two in my native tongue, one in Danish, and one in English.
There’s also the “It’s your birthday, it’s your birthday!” chant that people do. Not The Birthday Song, but a birthday song.
Edit: after researching it, I guess it’s 50 Cent, I’d always heard it, but never knew the source:
Are you sure?
The one the restaurants use and the copyrighted one that families use.
Restaurant: “happy happy birthday from all of us to you. We wish it was our birthday so we could party too! Hey!”
Family/copyright: “happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, -name-. Happy birthday to you.”
Except it is not copyrighted anynore
From Wikipedia
There’s also “This is your birthday song. It isn’t very long. Hey!”