The US has a good option: pull out
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So, no trade via the Suez Canal? I’m sure that will help inflation.
The US is free to pull the leash on its attack dog and call for a ceasefire in Gaza. This is a blockade for a blockade and veto for a veto. You are seeing Yemen responding to US aggression.
Nor for Israel, no.
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What country are you in and where can I learn more about your comment?
You are delusional and haven’t learned anything from losing in Afghanistan or Iraq. Clearly you are eager for the US to be defeated once again.
The US can call for a ceasefire in Gaza if it wants Yemen to end its blockade on Israeli ships and ships heading to Israeli ports. Otherwise, it has earned this and can only blame itself.
Please I encourage you to emigrate to Yemen and volunteer for the Houthi cause. One less piece of shit cluttering up our nation.
I’m more useful living in Saudi Arabia and sending them donations. I wish I could fight, but everyone has a role to play and destiny chose them to lead and show the rest of the Arab World how to stand up to imperialism and in support of Palestine.
I’m surprised someone from thinks world = USA. Your comment would make more sense if your domain was lemmy.usa or something.
And let them take innocent people hostage?
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US is not the fucking world police. It’s absolutely incredible westerners think they have the right to just unilaterally strut around the world and do whatever they like.
Maintaining an empire is a dirty business. Always has been.
Edit: I am not advocating that this is a good thing.
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Yeah, I’ll just use my huge amount of influence over US foreign policy to get right on that. Why didn’t I think of that?
You may first want to get free ambulance. Try getting that first.
innocent people
Hah! Funny! I hope you are lying and don’t actually believe it.
We both clearly want the same thing though, but we foresee different outcomes. We want to bait the US into another war in our region because we have strong confidence it will be defeated. You though clearly forgot the lessons of Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq and need a refresher :)
In afganistan, about rougly 1900 US soldiers were killed, wereas about 60-70000 insurgents were killed.
Are there insurgents in Ukraine? It was the Afghani resistance to the US invasion.
Wars aren’t won by who kills the most civilians. Otherwise the US won in Vietnam. The US invaded Afghanistan, spent 20 years and 2.3 trillion dollars trying to prop up a puppet government that collapsed and the pre-invasion government retook Afghanistan.
Expect a similar outcome in Yemen.
Read about desert storm
Learn about Yemen, or don’t… It is interesting that you bring up Iraq given that the US lost in it too ultimately.
So the workers on the tankers getting shot at are considered enemy combatants? Because if not, then they’d be innocent people.
They’re about as much enemy combatants as workers in military factories, and those have been fair game since forever.
Innocent people have nothing to hide and would respond to the requests of authorities. The ships were clearly headed to enemy ports, and intentionally ignored the requests to turn around.
Edit: The Red Sea and the Arabian Sea are under Yemeni authority. Non-enemy ships can pass, but for the enemy… Don’t like it? You are free to sail around Africa
You’re not suggesting a rules-based international order, are you?
No. Rules imply they are capricious and can change at whim. We have seen that in the US’s actions many times. What the world need are laws that no one can be above or allowed to veto.
I think they mean out of Israel since that’s why the Houthis are attacking but that would mean giving up a strategic advantage in the middle east so very little chance that’ll ever happen
There were liberals saying, “I can’t wait for the Houthis to find out why we don’t have Universal Healthcare.” They did. Your shitty governance and selling out the MIC completely to private interests is why.
They really need a refresher. They are clearly not contend with losing to Iraq and Afghanistan, they need to lose in Yemen too. Just like they haven’t learned any lesson from Vietnam.
It comes back to how deeply rooted American Exceptionalism is in the American psyche. There’s this idea that you can always win, in fact you are supposed to win, so if you lose it’s because you made a mistake. There’s no such thing as a no-win scenario, and there’s no such thing as doing everything you can but losing to an opponent who also knows what they’re doing.
The easiest place to see this mentality is in American sports fans. The opinion “the other guys are professionals too and are sometimes just better” is always in the extreme minority. And people are more tribal and less rational about nationalism than sports fandom.
Have you tried… not supporting genocide?
I saw it coming. Just watch it play out. Yemen will make the US miss its losses in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The burger empire has met its match.
Respecting their wishes in not being called that is a great first step.
So it’s okay to attack US Naval vessels without ramifications now?
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So it’s okay to veto a ceasefire in Gaza without ramifications now?
Every admiral would tell his political superiors that military necessity would call for attacks on Houthi missile infrastructure on the ground in Yemen: fixed and mobile launch sites, production and storage facilities, command centres and whatever little radar infrastructure there exists.
This has to already be happening, certainly through Saudi Arabia, probably also with direct, covert U.S. action.
Yup. The US has already been fighting Ansar Allah using Saudi Arabia and UAE for years. I am familiar with it, my city (Jeddah) has been struck by them. I’m just bad at nationalism that I still support them and even more so now. Not just me, but they are now more popular than ever in Yemen and around the region.
The US will learn soon enough that Afghanistan was easy mode compared to Yemen.
Go Houthis go! 🎉🎉
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And licking boots