This isn’t ready for game day quite yet but its getting their.
Edit: For those who run businesses their seems to be commercial support available
Wow, this is really cool. Literarily just debt cards without the cards, or Apple/Google pay without the proprietary software. Also the option to pay friends like venmo. Open standard, open software and no reason other than capitalism to not use it.
I wonder if Taler could follow an implementation path like Apple/Google pay, I’m not sure how those services even work (is Apple/Google considered a bank? A payment processor?), yet they have point of sale integration which everyone everywhere had to pay to upgrade their systems to support.
GNU Taler is everything that Bitcoin/crypto says it is but never will be. It’s the “anti-crypto”.
Exactly which problem is it trying to solve? If it’s KYC-free purchases, Bitcoin and Monero and Gold/Silver already give you that and unless it has enough mindshare (something that is almost impossible to get even for megapower, see Microsoft vs android and Microsoft vs iPod) this option won’t be available. If it’s privacy, Gold/Silver and Monero gets you that. If it’s traceability but privacy for “legal uses”, CBDCs are supposed to give you that. Note, a big issue today is banks not holding enough reserves and not allowing you to move your money. Tales, by its nature depends on 3rd party custodians thus can be shut down or collapse if the custodian goes out of business or refuses to validate spends. Bitcoin and Monero and Gold/Silver allow for self-custody, ensuring that your money stays your money.
Can’t wait to buy thing and accept donations with GNU Taler.
This has been around for a very long time. I’m always surprised that more people haven’t heard of it.
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Yet millions of companies accept cash each day and Taler is less anonymous than that as the seller is intentionally taxable.
Contrary to block chain crypto currencies this has a real chance to be adopted as an online payment system and the Swiss central bank already did a study and the result was that Taler would be a suitable system for them.