What is the most privacy friendly launcher on android?
Olauncher is open source, and really fast.
This. If you can live without icons and widget it’s one of the best.
There is also mLauncher, a forked version of olauncher.
Looks pretty similar to Before Launcher without folders and filtered notifications
I use KISS Launcher.
I love using the lynx launcher, zero trackers and it can incorporate arcticons too. Worth a try without question!
I use minimalist mLauncher from f droid is simple, minimalist and I spend less time on phone because phone didn’t make any distraction.
I have been using Discreet Launcher for some time now. It’s fast and and distraction-free. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.vincent_falzon.discreetlauncher/
This is slightly slower than KISS. Too bad it doesn’t support widgets.
I use neolauncher, it is pretty good even though it is in its early days. It is also avaliable on izzyondroid.
I don’t think it’s been updated in almost a year.