I’ll start: My first GF and I didn’t use protection. We used the pull out technique. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! I was 19 and could have ruined my life then and there.

  • roterkern70@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Message to people my age (early twenties). I have been smoking since 18-19 and I liked it so much that I didn’t bother quitting or reducing. There were moments which I knew the harms and bad effects it did to my body even in the short term, I was constantly telling myself to keep going because life is too short anyways & smoking is fun etc.

    Then one day while having a conversation with my older brother who is also a smoker, he laughed with his mouth open and I saw his teeth in 4K… Damn, then I thought, if I keep going my teeth will be same in, 5 years? No, thanks.

    It is easy if you have a motivation, lol it’s curiel one maybe but it worked. The only thing I miss is the fake dopamine rush. The need for that quick happiness, it still needs a bit of time to go away.

    By the way, it’s been a month or so and I feel less miserable and more energetic now. I realize now, how smoking made me lay down and rest constantly. Hope you get the message.
