I ordered from this site (https://eclipseglassescanada.ca/) a few weeks ago. They’re small AF (they look child size), so watch out for that. I will definitely be using my hands and a ballcap to provide additional cover to my eyes around the inadequately sized glasses
There are stores mentioned in the article. I also found this list on Reddit of North American suppliers from the American Astronomical Society
A #14 or #13 welding shade will also do the trick, if you can’t find glasses. #12 is pushing it
From the article:
The demand has led to concerns that people will order glasses that don’t offer true protection, or worse, try to rely on sunglasses or welding glasses.
Yes, I read the article.
Most welding glass will not be #14 or #13. If it’s meant for stick welding, it’ll be [Edit to add, #7 was still common when I was welding stick, but is not recommended even for that, it was old-timers who were used to 6011 rods] #9 or #10 at the darkest, far too light. If for MIG it will be darker, #11-13; I set my shield to #11. TIG glass will be the darkest, and ideal.
Oxyacetylene cutting masks will be between a #4 and #6. Don’t watch the eclipse with those. Plenty of people will though.
Sunglasses, for reference, are typically going to be between a #1 and #3 shade. Definitely don’t stare at the sun through those
Yay, more disposable crap to make you feel something for 60seconds. Gotta love humanity…
It’s crap like this why I’m starting to not give two shits about this planet or climate change. Keep producing and keep consuming folks…everything will just fix itself.
Oh fuck off with the mindless cynicism.
The amount of plastic used in those glasses, which is only in the lenses as the rest is card paper, is a fraction of what’s in typical disposable consumer goods. I guarantee you’ve already thrown out more plastic in the last week than is in a whole ten pack of those glasses.
Meanwhile, events like this are a great way to remind people of the natural world we live in and how miniscule our experience of it is relative to the enormity of even just our solar system.
Also you don’t have to get rid of them? Save them for next time.
If you don’t want to hold on to them, donate them to a local astronomy org
Absolutely. I have over a dozen pairs, both from the 2017 eclipse and the annular last fall, and you can bet I’ll be reusing some while giving away the rest.
Better start doing your part then so you can justify those disposable items.
As opposed to your world changing contributions of bitching online to random strangers?
Keep fighting the good fight. I’m sure you’re just one more post away from saving the planet.
Lol I’m done with all that. Burn shit, consume and throw it away. Let the world burn for my personal enjoyment.
Stop wasting precious electricity.
Ramp it up and watch the world burn. Why bother trying to reduce useless consumption of trash products. Buy more and more, consume and throw away. Fill those landfills and burn everything toxic.
Let’s do this the Kichae way!
Solar eclipses are one of the VERY few solar system scale events that can be observed without expensive equipment. If you don’t see why it’s important for everyone to see then you probably should have stayed in school.
Important…yah, ok.
FWIW given the downvotes, I think your points are valid, although I think things are more complex and need a more nuanced response. (For example, I see this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I don’t want to blind myself as a result of enjoying–weather willing.)
It alarms me when I see people react angrily or defensively by mere exposure to the idea that we as a society need to consume less if we want to ‘flatten the curve,’ so to speak, of climate change. These are really important conversations that we need to be having. And there is a lot of corporate and ultra-wealth interest in us not having these conversations and not taking action (sooner versus later). I think they may have a hand in disseminating the idea that any such cut-backs we make will greatly reduce our quality of living and “how dare they!” kind of thing that is really black-and-white and denial-based. But it can play into the human psyche and fend off critical thinking and a willingness to examine one’s own role in things pretty effectively
The most obvious problem with their comment is the dismissive, holier-than-thou tone.
They could have made their point by suggesting non-disposable alternatives: finding a local viewing party with shared equipment, preferring reusable glasses, or safe alternative ways of viewing like pinhole cameras or projection techniques.
But no. It’s much easier to sneer on an anonymous forum while stoking that sense of superiority instead of actually offering something constructive.
It would be nice to get to a doughnut economy where we can build a strong social foundation within the ecological boundaries of the planet, but of all things, worrying about recyclable, reusable, and rarely consumed eclipse glasses shouldn’t be our first priority
Their points aren’t valid, though. The glasses are predominantly paper, and they’re reusable. And the eclipse is a significant natural and cultural event that is also dangerous.
Their argument boils down to “buying anything is bad”, and that is an empty, cynical stance that is fueled entirely by smug self-satisfaction, not concern for the environment.
They can do more to help by unplugging their shit and reducing the global electrical usage.
Lol reusable. Enjoy buying trash for 3 hours with the thought that it’s reusable when you know you’re throwing them in the garbage right after. Keep consuming peasent, keep consuming.
Please, do watch the eclipse without them, then.
Awww someone’s triggered, how cute. I personally give give two shits about a rock blocking another rock…keep consuming though. I’ll do my part by burning plastics and other assorted garbage.