There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without wasting water cc
There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without wasting water cc
That doesn’t reheat the water
I’m sure you can get a heated tub much like how you can get a heated pool. Probably cost a fuckton tho.
You can, and they do. Hot tubs at least allow many reuses between water changes, and any quality model is well insulated and operates relatively cheap, especially so in warmer climates.
IDK why hot tubs didn’t even occur to me. lol
Just put a candle under the tub.