I want to build Linux From Scratch so i can assert dominance on the “i UsE aRCh By tHe WAy!” guys. Any advice?
Don’t do it. It takes too long and there are reasons why there are distros. Maybe Gentoo is a good alternative?
Agreed in part. There are reasons there are distros, but I don’t think Op is suggesting to run LFS as a daily driver. More that they want to install it to show they can. And on that front, I’d disagree. Go for it! The book is fairly self explanatory. It does call out some choices early on with respect to package management. Stop and think at that point. Make a choice, then move forward.
Then I have misunderstood this question. You are right, if you install LFS you get to better know your system and how it works. But as a daily driver, it is really a no-go.
Do Linux From Scratch! You will learn a lot. I credit LFS with getting me comfortable with the linux command line.
But don’t use it as your daily use linux.
so i can assert dominance on the “i UsE aRCh By tHe WAy!” guys.
Remindme!1 month “OP goes LMAO i never wanted to do it anyways”
Try this: https://www.linuxfromscratch.org
Patience and don’t rush it
You might find this interesting: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyc5xVO2uDsDlbR_LTP37nG6g4vbSSxSZ
I advice you use Arch, but have fun anyways
LFS pwns Gentoo like Gentoo pwns Arch
I enjoyed asking Microsoft, I mean Bing, how to install Linux from scratch. It is actually really helpful and even expressed hope that I would “enjoy the process and learn from it.”
(i use arch, btw)