Because this is the account I use for the promotion of my new movie, “Barbie”, only in theaters July 21st.
Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie! Omg. (Sometimes I get mistaken for you.) Is it true that when you were filming The Legend of Tarzan, Alexander Skarsgård’s chest was 98% computer effects?
That’s esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you!
Anyways, yes, 98.3% to be exact, and it had to be rendered on the Summit supercomputer in Oak Ridge, but it turned OK I guess.
I hear the real 1.7% was his nipples any truth to that
Plus minus 0.1% for nipple hair.
Only for one day? Can a movie become too exclusive…
Buy more tickets so you can see it again and again then!
You are my favorite Lemmy account by far Ms. Robbie
Oh god I’m Unidan now.
Does that make me your alt account manufacturing upvotes??
We are all Margot Robbie on this blessed day.
That day being July 21st, when “Barbie” comes out only in theater.
I like to crochet.
Because I’m from the streets. The streets!
Question is, are you a man as well though?
Sounds like you’re streets ahead.
To push back against the anti-pineappites who claim pineapple on pizza is against god’s will. One day they will accept that what goes on between consenting adults and their pizza is none of their business.
I tried that line once, but the pizza restaurant still kicked me out
I’ve seen banana on pizza irl, I’m not offended by pineapple on pizza after that anymore
Because I’m really hoping this works.
I’m hoping that as well, for you I mean,
Have you had any yet
Lol not a single one.
Wow what’s wrong with people! Haha
I know right? It’s a simple request!
The other 3 had…accidents
Vegan atheist here 🙃
I wanted to pick a name that had no connection to my habitual username. Slammed random syllables together until I had some gibberish that made me feel something.
I was angry at something that day (reddit), and I was also craving maple syrup.
I’m on here because work is slow.
Cause fuck Reddit
I’ve seen a few along that kind, but isn’t it strange to define yourself (or your account anyway) by something you dislike?
I mean, I don’t like Plutonium Acid, per se, but it’s also not something I want to declare as the enemy on a daily basis.
Move on?
An excellent point. And it’s so early I mean shit you can retire that username & start up another. If you were so inclined!
When you really look at it, there are a lot of things to consider when creating a username. Most of the time you want to try and figure out a word or phrase that honors some part of your personality, life’s motto or perhaps a time honored tradition. For me I wanted something that encompassed my true life’s mission as well as something that reminds me of a genuinely impactful moment in my lifetime and nothing left more of an impact on me than than day back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
My god. I was reading through, wondering if you were the real shittymorph and well…
I still don’t know, but if nothing else, you honor him well.
Removed by mod
They say ChatGPT was trained on Reddit so I tried a little experiment.
Hahahhaha I’ve been out shittymorphed. That’s awesome. There is some concern on the grammar with regards to formal punctuation and such, nonetheless, impressive. Albeit, not as impressive as that time in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
Haha you make me laugh every time.
It’s a username I’ve used since a decade ago, probably. I used it typically for gaming, with XYZ being used in arcade style games where you can only input 3 characters, and Inferno being used for anything where I could enter a full name with no regard to uniqueness. Also, inferno is my favorite word in the English lexicon So I just combined the two, and it’s never taken on any platform I sign up for
It was the only semi-clever punny nickname I could think of, lol
So I can tell Margot Robbie that I got a wad of 100s.
It could totally not be her, though.
And you don’t look like a real doctor to me… =. =
I got a prescription pad that says otherwise =p