Translation for the condoms on the left:
Asiatic condoms
I have a suspicion about what they’re trying to say by that, and it’s racist AF.
Not sure exactly what they think their target demographic is for this washroom.
Sorry it’s not really a meme, but I didn’t know where else to post it, and I HAD to share.
I don’t think it’s racist. But I’m not asian. Penis size does matter what buying condoms. On the average Asian penises are a bit smaller so the need a different size of condom. Rather than having to buy a ‘small’ condom they can buy an average Asian size. Most women don’t mind a smaller penis when the guy attached to it know how to work it so I think it’s fine.
The advert, translated from french says “Ultra-THIN asian condom”. “Mince” means thin in French (I’m from Quebec). It has nothing to do with the size of it, it’s the thickness.
Asian massage techniques/oils are all the rage in the sex world. Prostitution is legal in the form of “escorts” you can hire as companions, and the loop-hole is “what 2 adults do in the privacy of their home/hotel, isn’t regulated by the government”. This spawn “erotic massage parlors” that claim to not do any fucking but just “sensual massages” as in a commercial building that would be illegal (they still totally do).
This is trying to appeal to that demographic and isn’t racist; Asia is known for this stuff, at least here. Btw “Mince” and “Minced” as in Minced-meat share the same origin in latin for “smallness”, but in french does not mean that.
And this demographic is known to get their supplies in the basement washroom of a rural gas station?
That’s where everyone should be getting their supplies.