Trying to discover new/unheard Linux desktop programs (Sorry for the confusion).
Edit: I apologise for confusing a lot of people. I meant Linux desktop “programs” coming from Windows/Mac. I’m used to calling them “apps”.
Edit: 🙌 I’m overwhelmed with the great “programs” people have recommended in the comment section. Thank you guys.
The first things I install on a fresh linux install are always
(task manager) andmicro
(nano but better).I have used both, but have stuck with nano. Why do you personally choose micro over nano?
It has shortcuts that feel a little more natural to me and the ootb theming makes files more easy to navigate.
I know you can also theme nano but I’m lazy
Oh no judgment, purely curiosity here.
Never felt it as judgement :)
Have you looked at btop by chance? More visually appealing to me, but still in terminal.