Looking for some amusing or general non-corporate backgrounds for informal meetings.
I have a picture of a pair of wild wallabies and one of them even had a little joey’s head poking out of the pouch. Just to reinforce my Australianess when dealing with European customers.
I used to use locations from Elder Scrolls, some people recognized a few and got a kick out of it but it’s otherwise just cool landscape art.
DVD Video screensaver. Cycles every minute when it hits the corner. Crowd pleaser.
That’s awesome. Where can I get it?
The bridge of the USS Enterprise
I switch between the Mos Eisley Cantina and Mordor, depending how festive I am feeling!
One of the ones I used during 2020 was a biohazard screen from Resident Evil. Another was from Rogue One, with a nice shot of the Death Star getting ready to fire. I think it set the right tone.
Depends on what TV show I’m watching.
At the moment it’s the White Lotus set
Max Headroom background videos.