Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! DuckDuckGo is known to be a privacy-focused brand centered around hiding your footprint from Big Tech, while they did keep your privacy from most companies they did backchannel to Microsoft. Let's find out what happened! Thanks for watching!
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Tldr for those not wanting to watch a video please
It’s 1y old video. TLDR DuckDuckGo partnered with Microsoft and blocks everyone else but Microsoft ads/trackers.
And they were able to change things and get Microsoft blocked as well
Thanks for the link. So it was the app and extension not the search engine.
More like a one year old post thats getting recommended to people for some reason
Exactly, I’m not sure why old posts are being pushed to the front for so many users but this is very old post and some very old news.
DuckDuckGo claims to have fixed this tracking issue with Microsoft a long time ago now.