This goes out to all the homies that don’t have the time/energy to moderate, and to the ones that do that would like ideas (If there’s been posts about this already then I’m srry)
What I’m missing the most:
AmateurRoomPorn, FemaleLivingSpace, MaleLivingSpace and similars. Plenty of ideas on how to decorate my home, suggestions,…
OneOrangeBraincell, Flonkers, MurderMittens, ToeFeathers, PouchCatatoes and other ‘niche’ cat subreddits. I can survive with the already existing IllegallySmolCats and Cats, I guess.
GifRecipes, ShittyGifRecipes, ShittyFoodPorn. Ones for learning new stuff to cook, others… for learning what NOT to cook thankyouverymuch.
! is one I saw pop up recently.
! also.