That’s not “liberal economics”, that’s just “Capitalism in practice”.
Have you noticed how liberalism is always pro-capitalism?
Uh, liberals tend to want to shift capitalism towards something more equitable - you know, something that doesn’t leave so many people jobless or homeless.
liberals tend to want to shift capitalism towards something more equitable
No, they don’t - they try to reform capitalism to head off revolt against the capitalist status quo. That is why liberal reforms to capitalism (at best) only makes life better for a certain part of the working class - see how Roosevelt’s GI Bill left black vets and their communities out in the cold for an example. When this fails to protect the capitalist order, liberal-types will happily co-operate with fascists to violently repress the working class - see Weimar Germany for an example of that.
If you are the reading type, I’d suggest Clara Mattei’s The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism - I haven’t encountered anyone who explains the history as well as she does.
Liberals are not your friends - Malcolm X was perfectly accurate when he described them as “smiling foxes.”
“liberal economics” ? Seriously? This flowchart describes every POS robber baron capitalist for the last several centuries.
Economic liberalism is the economic theory of both American parties. Idk how it came to be applied to only the democratic party but that’s incorrect. OP is presumably critiquing economic liberalism from a leftist perspective, of which the Democrats are not
those are the effects of liberal capitalism
What definition of liberal are you using here?
the one of (neo)liberalism. An economic state which is accepted and perpetuated by virtually all sides of the culture war
Historically by the right wing then.
Tankies use neoliberal liberally
Historically by both, the democrats just give out a couple treats now and then to make themselves look progressive
Edit: unless of course you’re using the actual definitions of left and right wing, but most people in this thread aren’t so forgive me if I’m mistaken
Neo liberal, but yes.
How is a liberal not a capitalist supporter?
There’s a drastic difference between a neoliberal and a liberal. They’re very different terms.
good one
This is definitely not “Liberal Economics”.
that’s billions of tax payers money with the tax burden being disproportionately heavy for the 90% while the 10% pay less and less taxes the richer they are
reagan’s a liberal?
He’s a neoliberal which is an economic stance that promotes deregulation of the markets and support of free trade along with government austerity.
always has been (in terms of economics)
I think OP meant NeoLiberal.
It’s just socialism for companies
You can kind of see it that way… the rich get corporate, state-engineered socialism while the non-rich gets brutal “free market” capitalism.
not rly, it’s capitalism working as intended
I guess I forgot the /s What I meant was capitalist socialism
It’s imperialism to be precise, the highest stage of capitalism which see the merging of monopolies and state power, resulting in things like widespread corruption (lobbying), state waging wars in the interest of big capital, policies being subordinate to the stonks line and of course bailing out corpos which are “too big to fail”.
In a nutshell, it’s just natural development of capitalism.
I guess you could say it’s “corporate welfare” but the word “socialism” is not correct and shouldn’t be used here.
I’m a firm believer that all sides rob cheat and steal. Some more than others though…
Now I must ask, who are you implying is giving money for free to investors?
Because that’s not how economy works.
sir, this is a
Wendiesmeme. In the end it boils down to the capitalist goverments bayling out those who don’t need it (billionaires and millionaires) and giving credit for virtually nothing. Ofc it’s a simplification since this is a meme, not a chart for econ classBut that’s how capitalism works. You invest your money into something instead of using it on yourself.
And in exchange for the risk taking, because each investment is a huge risk, you become (in case of stocks) a shareholder. And a as a shareholder and risk taker, you get compensated for your risk taking with dividends.
Why invest your own cash into something and take a risk without getting something in exchange? That would be considered stupid.
I invested into Wirecard back then and guess where the money went… Investments are bound to risk. And taking a risk must be rewarded.
Investments are bound to risk. And taking a risk must be rewarded.
Err, no. Risk taking could be rewarding, but it inherently should not be guaranteed to be.
And it is not. Sometimes your investment looses a lot of worth if the companies value falls.
Bought Amazon stocks at the wrong time and lost 40% of value 3 months later. Climbed back to 15% loss.
It definitely is not risk free. Not even the biggest, most stable companies are safe from risk.
and I’m just supposed to give a fuck?
you have to do zero real work to get profits that way. The profits you are getting are just a share of the wealth the workers of the company produce. There is no such thing as passive income, the money is always taken from working people. The really rich people take 0 risk. The instant they start making serious losses banks and goverments step in and give them taxpayers money.
Also: to get relevant income that way you already need to have a lot of money, which you either get by inheritance or exploiting others. Either way you had to do zero real work yourself. (and no, just shoving capital around is not real work)
Well, most of what you state here is wrong.
People like you never analysed a company. Looked into the paperwork.
I am working 8 hours a day and 2 more hours, I take my time to look into companies to invest my hard earned money.
I am by far not rich. It I can tell you, that the more money you have to manage, the harder it gets.
No human on this earth, except trust fund babies, who just throw away their inheritance without investing, are living off their money without personal time investment and hard work.
It just doesn’t work the way you imagine it.
The moment the government intervened with Tax payer money, they usually ask for dividends as well, or another kind of favour. Nothing comes for free.
real work means creating value/efficiency/services where there was none before and not researching how you can syphon off that value in the best way
But your investment can fund this creation of value. And that’s how economy works.
The research and identification of where value can be expected with proper funding is simply a part of finding what will work best.
And it is only reasonable to find the things that will work out best at first.
One step after another. That’s how progress works.
I believe that’s how it works, but I just don’t understand how that makes any sense. They’re just playing with numbers in the air, making a line diagraph go up and down… I just don’t get it.
The “line diagraph” represents real physical things that you can eat or sleep in or wear.
So they make the worth of that different? People give money so the worth of those things change? Who decides what worth is? What am I missing?
Now I must ask, who are you implying is giving money for free to investors? Because that’s not how economy works.
Whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) disproportionately helped the rich may be 2020’s biggest political issue. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin claims that it benefited most Americans. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) calls it a massive giveaway to the rich.
First off, there was no money given. You are speaking about tax cuts.
And in the same article you linked, it is not clarified if the rich actually profited more from it/ made better use of the tax cuts. The article claims that the analysts are wrong. And that’s it.
Massive Tax cuts is not giving money to the rich?
No, tax cuts are applying to every citizen. Tax cuts for companies are something else.
How many millions of dollars in tax cuts did you get this year, huh?
Wake up.
deleted by creator
Theyre always trying to widen the gap between the upper and middle/lower class. They hate you and believe the only reason you exist is to make them money. People often blaim capitalism but this isn’t the real issue. Its the politicians who are in bed with the corporations.
The libtards in this thread are funny hahahah
oh come on, please don’t use words like that
I hope it’s sarcasm
They actually believe right-wing politicians are helping the working class
There’s 0 real economists who hold anything close to these views. What a stupid take. Before you downvote, I ask that you find a single source that contradicts my claim. Since all liberal economics is like that, it should be easy, right?