pics or didn’t happen
pics or didn’t happen
Investments are bound to risk. And taking a risk must be rewarded.
Err, no. Risk taking could be rewarding, but it inherently should not be guaranteed to be.
You should make this into its own separate post. It’s better than the “gif” post…
The alternate ending is where Christ steps down from the cross, takes the sword from a soldier and kills all those who wronged Him, cleansing their sins with their blood.
Reporter asking about ongoing Uyghur genocide in China.
What you’re trying to use is “hardware” RAID. Using hardware RAID is generally a bad idea. If you’re using Linux, use software RAID instead.
Also consider using Btrfs, it will make having a RAID setup even easier.
If you’re using a Debian based distro, you can search through contents of packages to see if there’s a conflict:
apt-file search /usr/bin/sh