• Sundial@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    NDP will never help trigger the election early unless lil PP’s reputation tanks. Election gets called today and conservatives get a supermajority. That’s even worse for the NDP than a liberal majority.

  • Troy@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    I’m okay with this, for two reasons:

    (1) Tactically, while the liberals are still in power, the NDP has some sway. If they forced an election right now, they would end up being a largely-voiceless secondary opposition party. Of course, you can only really exercise that power if you’re willing to topple the government otherwise it’s all just noise. So from their perspective, it’s a fine line to walk.

    (2) Personally, I’m hoping that between now and when the writ eventually drops, PP will make such a fool out of himself that he becomes too sour to stomach. At a minimum, I hope that this forces him into minority territory. (In my opinion, the ideal situation that would result afterwards would be new leaders for both Liberal and NDP and a short lived conservative minority.)