Article for context: (Ik that I am talking about multiple companies when I refer to android companies but many singular companies make more innovations in the phone space compared to apple)
Microsoft is like the rich guy with the nice pool. Its looks nice. But then you learn they got rich by cutting corners and screwing over your friends. And are actively investing in making the public pool shit so they can grandstand their pool.
Noone is blaming you for going up to the rich guys pool to have a nice easy time. Or at least, I’m not defending the kind of linux zealots who might blame you for choosing that
But I equally believe it is right and fair for us to have the freedom to state the very valid reasons why we are choosing not to go up there.
Still though, this is conflating Windows and Microsoft. This conversation started about Linux users shitting on Windows, not Microsoft. I think Windows is decent at providing a relatively low effort experience while I also agree that Microsoft is guilty of all the typical practices of corporate greed.
I don’t buy Microsoft products anymore for that reason, but I still use them (if you catch my drift).
it’s hardly a conflation, this hostile modus operandi is baked into the windows product itself with malicious and intrusive features. i’m not sure if this is news to anyone, but those user-hostile features were added to windows by microsoft. and the best defense offered thus far for that is basically “most or all tech giants do it too” - yes, thankyou that’s exactly our point. the fact that shipping this kind of abusive software has been normalised is part of the problem too.
i agree in as much as not everything about windows is bad. and it can be useful sometimes out of necessity. though its worth remembering that necessity may often be the result of hostility on microsoft’s part, either past or present. so it’s not really possible to have an honest conversation about what windows is, without an awareness of how microsoft has maliciously managed our perception of desktop operating systems in general. happy to explain what i mean by this in more detail if anyone’s interested.
and also agreed, i’d never pay for it.
The logic just doesn’t follow. If we can’t distinguish between the evil of a corporation and the use of its products/services then everyone here is going to burn for using electronics made by children in another country.
This wasn’t my point at all. I’m simply stating that not everyone has the time and/or patience for Linux. I’m not a programmer. Most of the time that I do use Linux, it’s a struggle with a worthwhile outcome.
I’ll defend them. Like pushing for vegan diets, solar energy, and the end of single use plastics. It’s annoying, it’s not fun but in the long run it’s to make the world better for average people.
The ship has sailed there. Microsoft aren’t going anywhere soon and in the long run they will continue to win.
There are plenty of good causes which I hypocritically agree with and don’t put into practise, eating meat is bad for me and the planet but I’ll still enjoy a steak without feeling like a villain believe it or not.
Blaming someone for choosing Microsoft is a dick move, Linux doesn’t work for everyone (I.e. non tech people) so what should they (myself included) be doing instead in your opinion?
The whole system needs to fail before a company like Microsoft loses, if that happens great. But until then me want play new games, me not know Linux tech, me use bad guy company to enjoy me time. Most importantly, me don’t feel bad for doing it.
Seriously though, I pick my battles and try to not be evil while doing so. Microsoft selling an extra copy of windows once every 10 or 15 years won’t turn them into our all powerful overlords and it’s the easiest way for me to enjoy my free time, and on balance I’m fine with that.
Im mixed because on one hand, you dont want a “crazy lady in the attic”. (we feed her and don’t talk about her) to fix that you must be intolerant to the intolerant. (in this case, you want to be against intolerance for people who are running windows) Its uncomfortable because it feels like your attacking yourself.
Your idea of making the world a better place is bullying people into submission? Something doesn’t quite add up there. 🤔