And we’ll see that trickle down through the rest of the economy and not just go into the bank accounts of the executives… right?
I bet they’ll increase investment in renewables as well though
Haven’t noticed anything on my bills… business as usual
Where I live the power company wants a 30% increase because, according to them, the price of natural gas has been too volatile. Yet the conservative consumers are blaming it on renewables.
My electricity statement showed the second rate reduction in 2 months. This would explain why.
Somehow I doudt that I received the full benefit but at least it went down which is more than I can say about petrol prices.
Yep, oil price has been pushed up by OPEC production cuts. The sooner we can electrify and get off fossil fuels the better
Fuck if we did.
Power companies need to be in the hands of the people. Communist this shit up. They do not require to be for profit.
Or just tax them accordingly
You are thinking of socialism, not communism. Citizens share ownership of property with socialism. Communism - property is owned by the state. Give should seize control and give to citizens in something like a Co-op.
Ok. Whichever is best in this regard then
You mean if you eliminate a major part of your supply chain, you make more money? And they never thought of this before?
They’ve maximised the efficiency of getting a barrel of oil out of the ground.
Renewables will keep getting cheaper though.