My daughter’s therapist’s waiting room has some free streaming service’s all-Family Feud Channel on every time I go in. I have to go sit out in the car and wait for her.

    4 months ago

    I get that he’s a piece of shit, and a morally self-superior asshole…but why him specifically? Hollywood/TV is FULL of narcists, and assholes.

    There are a LOT worse in the public space than him. I’ve never heard of him being in his 40s, and banging a 17 year old. Yet nobody ever said shit about Jerry Seinfeld, or Elvis, or Mick Jagger until they were far beyond it affecting them.

    And there’s so many more you didn’t know about. Think about Diddy from 2004-2023. He was absolutely a predator.

    And being a celebrity doesn’t CAUSE this behavior. It only enables it. It gives these people the money and power to allow them to indulge.

    But there are others. All around you, that you have no idea would be rapists and slavers if they could.

    In my city, Cleveland, we had a girl go missing in 2003. And then another girl went missing in 2004. I remember seeing their posters, and thinking that they were connected. I remember having this odd hope that they were still alive. It was a big deal locally. They were both young teenagers. Like 14 years old. Vigils were held, and awareness events were on the news about once a year.

    Then one day, in 2012 one of these women broke free from the prison home they’d been held in. The guy forgot to lock the door. So this woman, now in her 20s, broke out of the house. A man walking down the sidewalk saw her breaking out and ran over. First thing she said was “IT’S ME! I’M AMANDA BERRY!!! I’M ALIVE!!!”

    And that name, had been named on the news so often, but we were only shown the picture of her when she was 14. Here she was, breaking out of a house, in her 20s. Nobody ever realistically expected her to be alive almost 10 years later.

    She had been living in captivity with the other girl who we saw posters for. Gina DeJesus. And as it turned out, there was a 3rd girl, Michelle Knight, who no one even knew was missing.

    And the guy who kidnapped them had attended the vigils. As a respected member of the community. He spoke at Ginas vigil, on behalf of Ginas father, who was too emotional to speak. This guy told the crowd to join a prayer in praying for Ginas safe return. With him knowing full well that HE was the one holding her captive. He even called some annonomous tips in that he knew where the bodies were burried. Authorities searched those lands. Digging up soil, and finding nothing.

    This guy wasn’t a celebrity. He just fitted his house to do this. Now imagine people who have the money to do more. We haven’t learned anything about a LOT of these people. But history shows us that the human mind is capable of truely horrific things.

    With that being said, is Steve Harvey REALLY the offensive figure you view him as? Or is he just an idiot with misguided views?