Limitless yes, but it is limited by the fact that it only fills your pocket when you’re expected to pay for something. Therefore you’d be inconvenienced by anything that does not expect you to pay up front cash for a thing, and you’d need someone to tell you the exact amount you need to pay them to cause the pocket to generate the cash as well as the amount would be limited by the size of your pocket(s) and/or purse(s) for containing money.
Despite that you could definitely live “comfortably”.
Wait so 5. gives me effectively infinite money?
I know right? You show up and be like “One mansion, please” and the realtor says something like “sure, our cheapest one is $2M”.
So you reach into your pocket and out comes the exact change of $2m! Bust is it
No; not infinite.
Limitless yes, but it is limited by the fact that it only fills your pocket when you’re expected to pay for something. Therefore you’d be inconvenienced by anything that does not expect you to pay up front cash for a thing, and you’d need someone to tell you the exact amount you need to pay them to cause the pocket to generate the cash as well as the amount would be limited by the size of your pocket(s) and/or purse(s) for containing money.
Despite that you could definitely live “comfortably”.
ETA: My picks are 3 & 4.
Open a new checking account with a debit card
The account is always at a $0.01 balance
Keep this card in its own specific pocket
Now anytime you go to buy something, the exact amount will be deposited into the account and immediately withdrawn for said purchase.
Congratulations, literally everything costs a single penny.
Implement the selling of items, the transfers to alternate accounts, etc., and you can create infinite money.