I haven’t been in about three months so I started running out of stuff. It almost got exciting, going while hungry and without a Christmas list. I should not have done that

And still no effing tissue boxes

  • phoneymouse@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Had a Costco membership a few years ago and dragged the wife there. She was skeptical and it was hard to convince her to go very often. Let the membership lapse.

    Decided to renew it on a whim this year. I dragged her back there a few weeks ago. She found some sports attire and other deals that really got her excited. Now we’ve been three weekends in a row and it seems she is now convinced.

    • Gustephan@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I used to live near a Sam’s club, and I now live near a costco. When I got here I avoided costco because I assumed it would be comparable to Sams (ie extremely low quality products). Last month my roommate bought a membership and now we’ve been three weekends in a row as well and I am seeing the error in my ways.