Fuck, I remember reading that like 25 years ago, for some godawful reason. I thought it was satire or a joke at first but the more I read the more I realized this guy was serious. Had blissfully forgotten about it, long ago, and probably would have gone to my grave without thinking about it again. Thanks a lot!
I also remember it linking to a page about how to have sex with a dolphin. Wild times.
Fuck, I remember reading that like 25 years ago, for some godawful reason. I thought it was satire or a joke at first but the more I read the more I realized this guy was serious. Had blissfully forgotten about it, long ago, and probably would have gone to my grave without thinking about it again. Thanks a lot!
…and it was one of a series of pics.
Search for the rest at your peril.
Good lord another explorer. The internet hardened us for life (oh god no pun intended 🤮)