Okay this might sound weird but I work only nightshifts because I love the night and I do it since 4 years.

I wish I would have done it earlier cause I was never able to sleep at night before my morning shifts etc. and now I feel so good with this job. It’s relaxing, it’s a fun job and the best: I have no co workers in my shift I work alone.

For many this sounds like a nightmare but no management, only getting a 5 minute report from day shift is so nice.

Either way… I slept the first time in a fresh made bed after my nightshift for the very first time.

I usually make the bed fresh and my wife sleeps in it and then I get home to a yucky warm used bed. Some like it, I do too but nothing is better than laying down in a freshly made bed that smells so fresh and is cold.

My wife went to work and I took the time to take off all the bed sheets and made a new bed. At this point I might be crazy but I think I’m gonna change this task to “morning” task in the future. Why should I change the bed sheets but never be able to experience that fresh bed? If I only do it in the morning so I get to experience it would that be considered toxic? Would you guys care?

It’s the little things in life I cherrish the most. A fresh unused bed is so underrated.

  • BertramDitore@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    If I had my own washer and dryer, and didn’t have to spend a shitload of money to wash my sheets, I’d wash them every two or three days. Getting into a fresh bed that hasn’t been slept in yet, after a shower, is one of the best feelings ever.

  • Godnroc@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Oh, that’s so much better than I thought it was going to be. I was expecting you hadn’t changed the sheets in 4 years and had just been living in filth for YEARS.