• Arkouda@lemmy.ca
    26 days ago

    How do you convince someone who votes conservative to see this news as positive?

    I have had success listening, questioning, and discussing their point of view without including my own is the best tactic.

    Always remember that Liberals and NDP run on a platform of what they can GIVE to people living in Canada, while conservatives only look at what can be TAKEN from people, natural resources, etc.

    These people have been failed as children, sold a lie as adults, and left fighting fellow Canadians who are being failed just as badly, lied to just as much, and left in the fight the same way.

    Divide and conquer has worked. You are a victim, they are a victim, and the abuser changes colour every 10ish years between Red and Blue.

    When you have over 50% voting for the latter, despite it literally hurting them and their family, progress seems out of reach.

    What did it take to convince them to vote against their own interests and how can you help them see what is happening?

    This is why you need to listen, empathize, understand, and demonstrate a better way.

    • bitwise@lemmy.ca
      26 days ago

      Good to see more of this out here. Harsh criticism of everyone that makes mistakes only serves to ensure that no one will ever change or take responsibility.