I am getting a bunch of next level t-shirts from jiffy shirts. I would also like to get some polo shirts. Do folks here have recommendations on similar value for money polo shirts? Searching through the archives of , I could only find recommendations for t-shirts and not collared polo shirts.
I am not really looking for BIFL, but something that is generally durable and good value for money.
I found piqué fabric generally less durable or at least more prone to quicker looking worn out than other fabrics. So BIFL polos are something I gave up on.
That being said, I‘ve gotten some good mileage out of Fred Perry and Lacoste Polos.
EDIT: a different tennis player all along
I bought a bunch of Duluth Trading polos used on ebay for work 5-6 years ago and they’re still going strong. Same for their pants and button downs.