It’s a sarcastic take on common advice. It’s implied by the inanity of the suggestion. Most people got it, wasn’t something you saw. You’ll get it next time :).
It’s a sarcastic take on common advice. It’s implied by the inanity of the suggestion. Most people got it, wasn’t something you saw. You’ll get it next time :).
Power amp music player
A voting system would make it more likely a programme like that will be abused by bullies to further alienate their victims and place them in the ‘bully’ school.
North Atlantic accent I think it’s called. Have a read of the wiki. Kinda interesting.
Depends on how fast I’m talking but, yup. South islanders do it more than north ime.
I know when I pronounce it, it’s different on the a/e - NZ English.
If you’re wealthy it’s the best place to live. If you’re not it sucks. Source, someone who’s travelled a bit, including the States, and has a reasonable amount to compare it to.
Honestly it’s relatively flavourless. Have Crayfish in NZ instead. Smaller animal, far more flavour.
Warmer seas = more energy in the seas = bigger storms, bigger droughts etc. that’s what we’re seeing already and will be getting worse in the near term. Sea levels - we don’t know enough about the deep structure of Antarctica to put a timeline on. Recent discoveries have shortened thinking as there was liquid water in areas we didn’t expect.
It’s very much worth it, eh. I have a contact through work I can order them from, 5 or 8 year warranties even if powered on 24x7. Nothing but inputs including usb, sometimes toslink but if you’re running a nuc or something just get one with toslink out for the hifi.
They don’t make them any more. Buy good quality retail panels, the kind shops use in their displays. They’re expensive but that’s because they’re not counting on making money off ad revenue or your data.
Non profits qualify for 10 free business premium licenses with MS. Hopefully a Linux cloud provider has something similar. You don’t want to have to go back to the church every week right?
I said near the top, lol. There are people there who want to help, like Sanders, but they never have any real power outside their constituency.
She’s not dumb enough to get caught. At this stage governments all over the western world have been selling their voters taxes, health and wellbeing and service regulation to big business since at least the 80s. There’s not a single person near the top of any of these steaming shit heaps that isn’t greedy and amoral.
To be fair, in both your examples(macOS, Android) the cost of the OS is borne by the cost of the device, same as if you got an OEM installed windows device from a retailer. That’s not a huge point of difference
Most have KERS. This is what it is. My brake lights go on when it hits a certain % of KERS full effect.
NZ - Supergroove, Che Fu, DD Smash, Dragon, Darcy Clay, Trinity Roots, Salmonella Dub, Katchafire - the NZ dub and roots scene should be checked out by anyone who likes roots. Ignore six sixty.
Germany - Colour Haze
Nick Drake - more people should listen to this guy.
Or go earlier in the day. At least in my neck of the woods.
He sold a majority stake in the Mavs. That’ll be where most of the tax bill comes from. Wants to use the money for something else. Still working with the team operationally.